Crushing on You [Medic Hcs]

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| Medic x fem!reader | 299 words |

TW: uh medical stuff, mentions of blood and dismemberment and obsession


↝ He would either fall head first in love with you the moment you talk to him, or you two would have to build up a friendship and then he would realize he is in love.

↝ Either way he is obsessed with you. And i mean OBSESSED.

↝ On the field you would have your own personal pocket medic the entire time, following you with hearts in his eyes as he kills the spy attempting to backstab you.

↝ Loves seeing you covered in blood, look i don't make the rules here i just enforce them

↝ Would give you body parts from the enemy team, like hearts and arms to commemorate your strength and his love for you.

↝ While he's torturing the enemy team hes ranting about you, sighing dramatically as he rambles about your strength, beauty and passion.

↝ Has taken photos of you and shows them proudly, he has no shame for his obsession towards you.

↝ Yandere looking ass

↝ He would ramble to heavy about you, while his hand is halfway in heavy's chest cavity just mindlessly rambling about how much he loves you.

↝ "Mein friend shes just so, *sighs dramatically* so perfect"

↝"dockor you have taken my lungs out"

↝ The moment you save him from the enemy team he is convinced you mutually like him, face flushed and ridged as you turn to him covered in the scouts blood.

↝ "You okay doc?"

↝ "J-JA!"

↝ Would treat you the best during operations, giving you some anesthetic. But he likes to talk to you at times like these, cause hes usually so busy.

↝ You should be aware of his love for you, and he's just waiting for you to tell him it's mutual before he goes all in.


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