Crushing on You [Engineer Hcs]

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| Engineer x Fem!reader | 367 words |


🔧 Engineer and you have been friends since the day you joined the team, and through that time he has slowly begun to grow feelings for you

🔧 It's when you bring him food or drinks while he's working that causes his heart to flutter and skip beats.

"Engi take a break, plus im bored and scout is outside with a rocket launcher and i bet you want to see him eat shit"
"Well uh, aight I'll be out soon"

🔧 As i have mentioned engi is not sane, he cut off his god damn hand ffs. So even if he's not the same as medic or spy he is very calmly obsessed with you.

🔧 But it's nicer, knowing everything you need and all your likes and dislikes. He's a busy man but he makes time for you.

🔧 Makes you little creations, and if you have the skills and do the same he keeps them in his workshop proudly overlooking his work.

🔧 Likes to have you in the room while he does work, whether pyro is with you or not just spending time with you makes him happy.

🔧 You know his teddy bear cosmetic? If you make clothes for it he will have to stop himself from breaking down as you offer him the set of small bear clothes.

🔧 He calls you darlin, sugar, pumpkin and other southern esc pet names in passing. If you do the same you will make him explode.

"Oh thank you darlin'"

"No problem sugar"

🔧 For a man with 11 PHDS he could never find a solution for how his body shut down when you called him that. No mater if you are cringing at it he is red in the face.

🔧 Loves to play his guitar for you, it would be you two (and pyro at times) around the campfire next to his truck as you two drink and he strums the guitar strings.

🔧 If you use weapons that can remove sappers consider him yours the instant you save his sentry when it's on 3 health.

🔧 Being a southern gentleman he gets you a bundle of flowers, each of meaning and gifts them to you alongside a profession of his love for you.


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