Crushing on You [Spy Hcs]

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| Spy x Fem!Reader | 288 words |

T/w: mentions of stalking


🔪 This Frenchman is extremely non-committal, the closest to staying with someone was with scout's mother and we see how that's went.

🔪 At first he would avoid you, and for a considerable amount until he realizes the butterflies you are creating in his stomach won't go away, then he'd man up and start showing you the real side of him.

🔪 GIFTS! Lavish gifts, I am talking about 500$ Wines, tailored outfits, new weapons, jewels and all around swarming you in gifts. (Can you tell his love language is gift-giving?)

🔪 He would stalk your online history to gauge what you want, and i mean STALK. You cannot hide anything from him, he will buy your entire shopping bag and just hand it to you casually.

🔪 He is a stalker and I don't make the rules.

🔪 Ups his flirting with you by 200%, makes the rest of your team EXTREMELY.

🔪 Protects you during battles, but if you;'re a mad lad of a woman and you're tearing the enemy team town he's just in your shadow waiting for the enemy spy to just ATTEMPT to kill you.

🔪 Tries to make constant physical contact with you.

🔪 You're handing him something? Well his fingers are touching your hand while you hand it to him. You're walking past him? He's going to have to touch your arm as you pass one another.

🔪 He is obsessed with you if you can't tell.

🔪 You're going to have to confess to him, and tell him those feelings are mutual causes its obvious he's deeply in love with you and he will keep spending money till you love him.

🔪 Has at least one photo of you sleeping, no one will ever find it though.


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