Crushing on You [Demoman Hcs]

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| Demoman x Fem!reader | 298 words |


I am a firm believer that you would need to be close friends with demo for him to catch feelings, or if you're caring for him while he's drunk or injured; the butterflies bottled in his stomach are gonna come through.Demo would always be drunk from that point to even talk to you, you make him nervous and the only way he knows how to solve that is via scrumpyHe's got his stomach pumped 5 times by medic alreadyHe rambles about you while drunk, be it you don't really know if its about you but you can make out your name through his drunken slurred words.If you carry his drunk ass to bed? He's gone the moment someone mentions it.Drunkenly kills the enemy mercs for you; he saves you from half their team, takes a swig from his scrumpy and falls over.Very calm and laid back (this is a lie his is nervous but doesn't show it) Shows off his grenades and explosives to you.Shows you his eyelander, if you dare praise that haunted sword he will lock it in a crate from jealousy."Headddsssss?""Nah yo spooky bitch, takin me love from me"He calls you 'love' when he's drunk, don't mention it to him.Takes you to meet his mother and god damn she keeps raving about you and him getting married."Oh shut up and let them talk travish""Mum!?"You and his mother end up close, if your class is close to demo's then shes more interested but if you're strong and smart she's betting on the two of you getting together, no matter how old or blind she is.He would confess to you if hes EXTREMELY DRUNK, when he's stressed he drinks so if you find him in this state he's gonna ramble about you and mutter out a confession.


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