«1» shallow grave

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Chay never thought that one day he'll be standing in front of Kim's grave

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Chay never thought that one day he'll be standing in front of Kim's grave.

"Kimhan was a beloved son, brother... friend. He was a dear and important part of the family without which the Theerapanyakul family will no longer walk but only limp. Today, we all gathered here to bid him the last goodbye before his eternal rest..."

Chay can't help but laugh. It's loud and bitter. It startles everyone around him. The priest stops the ceremony. Everyone is looking right at him.


They are paying attention.

"Today we all gathered here to bid him the last goodbye before his eternal rest..." Chay chuckles, "let me rephrase you... today we all gathered here to play a fucking circus in front of an empty coffin! To bid the last farewell to whom? Whom exactly?" Chay raises his voice. "I don't see any body. I have never seen phi Kim's dead body. None of you did! And yet you are standing here, pretending like you care. Fucking hypocrites! Every single one of you is nothing but a fucking hypocrite!"

"Porchay!" Porsche warns, the look in his eyes is cold, so cold that Chay almost listens. But this is about his Kim and not even Porsche gets to dictate to Chay what he should and shouldn't do in situations like this.

"Let me talk, hia. You fucking know I'm right!" Chay turns to Korn, "Kimhan was a beloved son... oh, was he? Was he really? I don't recall you ever loving him. But you sure do love ruining him." He looks at Kinn and Tankhun, "he was a beloved brother... really? So, you loving him means that the only thing that you are willing to do is to call the boy he is apparently still in love with in hopes that the boy's return to the country would somehow magically save him? I don't know, but how about searching for him? Or is that too much trouble? Chay wants to turn again but he doesn't have more people to turn to, "oh yes, beloved friend. Beloved friend to whom exactly? P'Kim has NO friends!" Chay turns to Korn again, looking at him accusingly, "because why should a weapon have friends, right? This is a fucking bullshit! And no..." Chay sighs, "there's no 'was' there's only 'is'... p'Kim IS... he is a beloved singer, beloved tutor, and beloved man!"

"Porchay," Porsche slowly approaches Chay with open arms, "I know it hurts and it's hard to accept, but—"

Chay frantically shakes his head and steps away from his brother, "you all really don't get it? I'm not sad! Why should I be? P'Kim isn't dead. I'm pissed off! Fucking livid at the fact that instead of searching for him every single one of you just accepted that he is dead just because you can't reach him for a couple of days. Yes, he went on a suicide mission. But a suicide mission for whom? For him or for all of you? What is a suicide mission for any of you here is not a suicide mission for p'Kim. He can do shit like that with his eyes closed. You know I'm right."

"Chay," Kinn rasps out. "You haven't seen in him in months after you left. He was walking around like a ghost. It was as if he was half dead already."

Chay closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "none of you deserve him. I shouldn't have left. I should have let him explain." He looks at the empty coffin behind him, "p'Kim is alive. And I'm going to find him. You all can enjoy burying the empty coffin without me."

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