«7» death & other wishes

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If Chay didn't know that Korn never expected to see his youngest son ever again alive, he wouldn't notice the glint of wrath that appeared in Korn's eyes the moment Kim got out of the car

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If Chay didn't know that Korn never expected to see his youngest son ever again alive, he wouldn't notice the glint of wrath that appeared in Korn's eyes the moment Kim got out of the car.

But before anyone else can notice that something is very wrong with Korn, he puts on a big relieved smile and opens his arms, ready to welcome his alive son home as if he was waiting for that all those days Kim was presumed to be dead.

Chay feels like he is going to throw up.

Before Korn can get anywhere near Kim, Chay is already by Kim's side, one hand sneaking protectively around Kim's petite waist, his lips pressing to Kim's ear, "how are you feeling, phi?"

"Tired." Kim breathes out. "I don't want to talk to him today."

Before Chay can say anything, Tankhun is already next to them, throwing himself on Kim with a litany of surprised noises and apologies on his lip. Chay doesn't budge to give them space. Not even when Tankhun looks at him with a questioning look. No, Chay won't move. He is standing his ground with his hands around his boyfriend who isn't dead and who would appreciate way more being alone than being bombarded with questions from people who already buried him.

Tankhun steps away, letting Kinn approach.

"You are alive," Kinn says as a greeting.

Kim huffs a laugh, "I don't get why you all thought that I wasn't."

"No one could reach you during your suicide mission. We—"

"It wasn't a suicide mission," Kim shakes his head. "It was slightly more demanding than usual, but nothing I couldn't handle."

"We should have kept looking for you," Kinn admits, but his eyes swerve away in shame. "But dad, he—"

"He was hoping that I'm dead. Believe me, I know," Kim is too tired to be listening to all the reasons why his family did this or that. It's never an easy explanation. Plus, he already knows which one of them wants him gone.

"Kimhan, son," Korn says, watching Kim walk right past him not sparing him a glance. "I'm glad we were wrong."

Chay has to laugh. He glances back at Korn, "he doesn't want to talk to you right now."

"Let Kim talk for himself, Porchay. Would you?" Korn replies, no longer trying to sound nice.

"I told him that I don't want to talk to you," Kim says, but he doesn't turn to look at his father like Chay did.

"Shouldn't you show some respect to your father, Kimhan?" Korn argues.

Chay can feel Kim's body tensing, but then Kim chuckles and takes a deep breath as he turns around to his father and his brothers who just stand there, not saying a word. Not knowing what to say. Since Kim's early adolescence, every conversation Korn and Kim had could be considered a battle and everyone who was foolish enough to step on their battlefield usually didn't get through it without some imaginary bruises.

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