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The bed is cold when Kim wakes up

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The bed is cold when Kim wakes up.

His mind is hazy from the sleep - actual good sleep he didn't have for a very long time. It takes him a couple of seconds to realize that the bed is cold when it shouldn't be. Not anymore. Kim is used to the cold space right beside him because there wasn't a person who would warm it up. There wasn't Chay. Till the last night.

If what happened last night wasn't just another dream from the long list of dreams Kim already had about Chay.

Kim sits up. Running his fingers through his messy hair, he looks around. He can't see Chay anywhere. Not even a sign of him. But Kim can still feel Chay's touch, the gentle sensation of their lips pressing together. He can still see Chay's bright smile and hopeful eyes when he told Chay that he loves him. Last night had to be real.

"Chay?" Kim calls out, holding his breath for a moment until he hears Chay's reply.

But Chay's voice doesn't echo through the house.

It's like Kim is all alone again.

He looks at the pillow beside him and buries his nose in it. It smells like Chay. Kim can't hallucinate that. It has to be real. Chay has to be here.

The next second Kim hears quick steps approaching the bedroom and when his eyes skip towards the door, Kim feels his lungs filling with air once again; his breathing steady and heart firmly in its place beating just the right way, just the way it does when it is around Chay.

"Good afternoon, phi. I thought that you'll be sleeping the entire day," Chay laughs, jumping on the bed next to Kim and kissing his cheek. "How's the leg? Better?"

For a second Kim wants to throw himself at Chay, press Chay impossibly close to his body and tell him how scared he got that yesterday was just another addition to Kim's catalogue of nightmares about his lost love. To tell Chay, that waking up to a cold bed once again was terrifying and Kim hated it, he hated it so much. But then he looks at Chay and his gorgeous smile adorning his face, and enchanting eyes watching Kim intently. And the sun that is shining on the floor and the bottom left corner of the bed, coming from the slightly opened window. And now when Kim thinks about it, he can smell pancakes all the way from the kitchen - where did Chay get all the ingredients for pancakes? And it all feels like such a normal day with his boyfriend that Kim suddenly feels like his reaction would be too dramatic, too over the top because, in reality, nothing really happened. Chay is still here, still with him, still his boyfriend. Chay didn't evaporate from Kim's world this time. This time he stayed because this time he is more than just a dream.

Chay is more than just a dream.

Kim's body relaxes and instead of throwing himself at Chay like his life depends on it, Kim lazily turns his body fully towards Chay and nuzzles his head into the crevice of Chay's neck.

"I had the best sleep in a really really long time. Thank you, angel."

Chay's fingers are in Kim's hair in less than a second, gently brushing them over and massaging the back of Kim's neck, "I'm glad. You looked like a baby while you were sleeping. It was cute."

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