«6» the exit wound

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If something happened to Chay, Kim will kill everyone in sight

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If something happened to Chay, Kim will kill everyone in sight.

That's the first thought that runs through Kim's mind after he hears the shot and the sound of Chay's terrified scream. But then he gets pulled out of his mind pretty fast when Chay tugs on his arm, and while keeping them both down on the floor, he is pulling Kim inside.

"Angel, angel, wait... are you hurt?" Kim asks in one breath, cupping Chay's face to look at him.

Chay's eyes are wide open as they travel from Kim's face to his arm. He quickly shakes his head, "look at yourself! I'm not the one who is hurt, phi!"

Only then, after Chay's words, Kim feels the initial shock subsiding and a stabbing pain capturing his entire body.

He's been shot.

Chay shuts the door behind them and moves Kim away from it. He takes off his shirt and presses it on Kim's wound, "phi, I need you to press on it as hard as you can, okay? I'll need to figure this out first," Chay looks around himself, stopping at the door, "is there a key?" he looks back at Kim, who is trying to understand who he is exactly looking at right now. Chay almost seems as if he went through something like this before. It seems as if the only reason Chay is affected by what is happening or why he even let out a scream when it started was that it was Kim who got shot. Chay almost seems af if he got training. But there's no way he did. Kim would know about it. Maybe.

"Phi," Chay looks right into Kim's eyes, holding him by his nape, "did you hear me? Is there a key to those doors?"


"No," Chay shrugs. "Well, okay then. Plan, B. Where's your gun?"

"Gun... I—"

Chay can see that Kim doesn't want to tell him, that Kim doesn't want Chay to do anything that can possibly put him in even more danger than they already are in, but it's too late for that. Kim belongs to Chay now, and Chay doesn't like it when people mess with what's his. And he definitely doesn't like it when people mess with his boyfriend. He didn't come all the way here to find his boyfriend alive just to then see his boyfriend die right in front of his eyes!

"Where's the gun, Kimhan?" Honestly, fuck being polite right now, Chay thinks as he sees Kim cocking his eyebrow in surprise. But then, Kim winces, pressing Chay's shirt a little harder to his wound, and slowly nodding, "bedroom, drawer in the bedside table."

In the next second Kim is alone. There's the sound of Chay's fast steps echoing through the room and now when he's alone he can also hear that the shooting didn't stop. Have they been shooting all this time? And who exactly? Did Kim not kill everyone in that goddamn house?

He can feel his heart pumping blood through his veins, and he can feel the agonising pain as it keeps flowing out of him. The bullet must have hit him pretty hard. Definitely not just a scratch this time.

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