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There's something incredibly peaceful about the early mornings in Sicily

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There's something incredibly peaceful about the early mornings in Sicily. Maybe it's the muffled sound of the ocean waves crashing into the rocks. Maybe it's the way the sun slowly spreads its sunshine all over Chay's body, kissing it with its warmth. Or maybe it's the fresh breeze that is coming from the ocean and gently dances over Chay's skin while playfully messing up his hair. Or maybe it is the fact that besides the sounds of nature, so early morning, Chay can't hear anything else.

It puts his mind at ease. It's slow and calm. No bodyguards knocking on his room to let him know that it's time for school or his friends blowing up his phone because the traffic in New York is awful and if he doesn't get his ass up, he'll be late... again. No intrusive thoughts about what if today is the day he'll get killed by someone who hates the Theerapanyakuls. There must be a lot of people who do hate them.

Yes, he still worries every day bout his brother, and well... almost everyone who he left behind in Thailand, but being away from the epicentre of that earthquake, put things more into perspective. His hia can handle himself. And besides that, Chay knows for a fact that p'Kinn is essentially the same as his little brother Kim, he would fight the whole world before he would allow anything to happen to the man he loves. So, Chay, thinks, his hia is safe. And Chay is safe here, with the man that loves him the most.

It used to be Kim who was waking up in an ungodly hour. So early in the morning that Chay started to worry if there was something that was bothering Kim. Something that he should know about, but turns out, Kim just had to adjust to the new environment and now, basically, the tables have turned. Kim is the one who most days wake up almost around noon, while Chay is up to watch the sunrise.

Chay doesn't mind. He loves watching Kim sleep. Yes, it's creepy. Yes, Tankhhun did tell him that he sounds like Edward Cullen when Chay's tongue slipped during one of their calls, and he shared with Khun more than he intended to. But what? Kim is pretty. Like so pretty it's actually insane. And Kim is Chay's boyfriend... so, that should count as a VIP pass for such activities, no?

To be fair, Chay doesn't do it every morning. Just every other... He loves to watch the sun slowly kissing Kim's face; the tip of his nose, the cheeks with the rosy hue from sleeping, and the soft lips slightly parted. Every part where Chay's lips were just before they went to sleep.

Chay likes to brush his fingers through Kim's hair, slowly and incredibly gently to not wake him up. He loves how they are cascading into Kim's face and making him look both effortlessly soft and dangerously hot. They are slowly getting longer and longer, and Chay can't hide it; he very much is freaking out inside and maybe even outside whenever Kim puts his hair into a man bun. And the worst thing is that Kim knows it and he is taking advantage of it. Chay still loves him though.

Chay loves to sketch Kim as well. Kim looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Like nothing in the world bothers him. Chay likes this, he likes when nothing in the world bothers his Kim. So, he likes to put it on paper as well. He even bought a notebook dedicated just to this. Kim, of course, knows about it. Chay would, honestly, feel really bad if Kim didn't know about it. It's one thing to watch your incredibly pretty boyfriend sleep and the other is to draw portraits of him while he sleeps without his knowledge. Like, let's have some healthy boundaries here, okay?

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