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"You have to go alone

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"You have to go alone. I'm not willing to send there anyone else. It's too dangerous. Borderline suicidal, but I'm sure that my best weapon will be able to handle it, am I right?"

"Yes, father," Kim replied.

"You don't mind the possibility of you dying, right?"

"No, father."

"Perfect," Korn clasped his hands together and chuckled. "Make sure that everyone will be eliminated. No matter what, none of them can stay alive. They have too much information on us they can spread any moment. We can't allow that, can we?"

"No, father."


There was a gun on the passenger seat, two Molotov cocktails, and a lighter. Kim had no intention to talk to anyone. The plan was to throw one Molotov cocktail inside to get their attention and then, once they all would show up, he would kill them one by one. He didn't care whether they would try or even succeed in killing him. There was nothing that really mattered in his life. Mother? Died when he was still a child. Brothers? They were better without him anyway. Father? Kim was sure that Korn Theerapanyakul would not even bat an eye if he would get the news that his youngest son was dead. He sent Kim on this mission after all. Kim was nothing more than just a weapon... after all.

And Chay? The only one who loved all sides of Kim. The boy who woke up in Kim something that he wasn't supposed to feel. Something Kim wasn't programmed to know, to understand, to navigate. Love. Korn Theerapanyakul didn't stop in the middle of training his best weapon just to allow that weapon to get close to other people to have a chance to learn how love works, how it feels, how a person should behave when they catch the feeling and is it even something good? Beneficial to making the weapon stronger, better, sharper, smarter... invincible? It probably isn't because if it was then Korn would allow Kim to feel that emotion, to know that emotion, but Kim never did... not until he met a sunshine boy in a school uniform and a very impressive or concerning — Kim still can't decide — knowledge of Wik.

Porchay Kittisawat was the last thing Kim has ever expected to show up in his life and turn it upside down. Why should some random boy mean so much to Kim? But he did. From the very first moment, their eyes met. Kim kept telling himself that he couldn't stop thinking about the boy because he was one of Wik's fans and Wik should appreciate his fans but that was complete bullshit. Not even Kim believed that. Porchay Kittisawat wasn't the only Wik fan in the world and Kim was more than sure he had never felt like this about any of his other fans. This was different and it was putting Kim into fight or flight mode.

Being interested in a person. Unable to get that person out of his head. Wanting to know what the person is doing at any given time? Is the person okay? Does Porchay Kittisawat need something? Does Porchay Kittisawat miss Kim? What's Porchay's favourite Wik song? Does Porchay sing along when he listens to Wik songs? Is Chay's voice as beautiful as his face? The thoughts kept raging inside of Kim's mind and for the first time in a really long time, he didn't know how to turn them off.

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