«2» intuition

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"Follow your intuition

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"Follow your intuition."

Porsche used to tell Chay whenever there was a danger of loan sharks appearing at their house again. "Your intuition will tell you when is the air clean enough to come out from your hiding. Sometimes, they still can be at the house even if you don't hear them, but your intuition will always be right."

So, that is what is Chay doing right now. Following his intuition. When it came to loan sharks, his intuition was always right. So, Chay hopes that his intuition will work as well or even better now when he needs it more than ever. The man told Chay the direction in which Kim went that day, but that was all. Chay can't even be sure that Kim is still in Pattaya. But believing that Kim is still somewhere close is the only option Chay has.

He keeps walking down the street, stopping at every corner, every parked car, every building that looks like it could be a good hiding place for injured Kim, but no matter how slow, how long, or how carefully he is walking around... something doesn't feel right. Chay thinks that there are too many people around. If Kim was truly injured after his mission and barely escaped the fire, he wouldn't want to be around this many people. This street is too hectic and too loud for Kim.

Wik may love his fans and loud crowds at his concerts, but Kim is the exact opposite. Chay knows Kim well enough to know that a street like this would only irritate Kim if he were to stay here for longer than necessary. Kim isn't here. He may have gone in this direction, but that was all. It was Kim's direction but not Kim's destination.

Chay stops in the middle of the street, biting his bottom lip, he has to figure out what to do now. If Kim was bleeding too much as the man said then maybe someone helped him. Maybe Kim let someone treat his wounds before he continued god knows where.

It didn't sound like something Kim would do, but at this point, Chay is grasping at every straw he can.

"If p'Kim was bleeding a lot, then..."Chay's eyes snapped down looking at the concrete under his feet. "Nah, that's bullshit." There's no way there's some blood left on the concrete and even if there would be, there is no guarantee that it would be Kim's blood. Chay wants to laugh, thinking how he wishes for a moment that Kim would be like Hansel and Gretel, leaving breadcrumbs for Chay so that Chay would be able to find him easier. Too bad that they aren't in a fairytale.

Or maybe they are...

Chay lets out a small gasp when his eyes land on droplets of dry blood just a couple of steps in front of him. "This can be anyone's blood. This can be anyone's blood. This can be anyone's blood." He keeps repeating to himself. But if by any crazy chance, this blood turns out to be Kim's, this will be the first and the only time when Chay will be happy to know that Kim was bleeding.

When Chay follows the blood he discovers that there is more of it at the corner, as if someone stopped there for a brief moment, catching their breath before walking again.

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