chapter 13-(Shopping and life insights)

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                                                                                       Sandhya P O V 

We reached the jeweler shop and everyone got off from the car. Meanwhile Pari slept on my lap and I slowly took off the seat belt without disturbing her.Rudra sir came to my side, opened the door and said " Give her to me".I nodded and passed Pari to him.
Pari instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and slept peacefully resting in the crook of his neck.

Rudra sir entered the shop and I followed him.
Aunty and Ruhi were already inside and started to look for various designs."SANDHYA come beta" Anitha aunty called me.
I went towards her and she showed me various rings which were kept for display.

"We have selected few of the rings here. Among this choose whatever u wish" anitha aunty said to me.  I was already  confused of what to choose. Salesman was explaining all the designs to us but I was worried  about the cost of those engagement rings which looked very expensive.

Anitha aunty looked at my perplexed expression and laughed out."Sandhya u don't have to worry about anything just choose whatever ring u liked because it's u who have to wear for life long. It should be memorable and it's symbol of ur married life" aunty assured me.I nodded at her and glanced at all the rings which looked beautiful but same time they seemed heavy.
My eyes went onto the ring designed with simple floral pattern and studded stone at the centre.
It looked elegant with light weight and I hope it doesn't cost fortune.I picked that ring and showed to aunty who glanced and smiled at me."This is so beautifull and nice choice Sandhya. Wait let me call Rudra here.Ruhi go call Rudra here" Ruhi nodded.

Meanwhile, aunty kept the ring aside and asked the salesman to show few pendants for Ruhi and gold earring for Pari.

" yes mom, did u asked for me" I heard Rudra sir voice behind us.

'Yes Rudra come, I have called u to show her engagement ring and remember we also thought to buy earring for Pari" Aunty said to him turning back. I watched sir coming alongside Ruhi who is holding sleeping Pari in her arms.

Aunty showed ring to him on which he nodded and then they started to look for Pari earring.

I noticed Ruhi who was trying to balance Pari in her arms and adjusting her head to balance herself.  I went towards her " Ruhi, give her to me . I will hold her and u can choose ur pendant" and took Pari in my arms who latched around my neck.

" Thankyou bhabhi, this little devil is growing so fast and now I cant even hold her for few minutes my back would start to ache. And coming to my pendant first let them select for Pari and then i will do my shopping without any hastle" Ruhi  said and shook her head.

I nodded at her and we sat on sofa. I glanced towards aunty and sir who were in deep discussion with salesman.  

"umm bhabhi, I wanted to discuss with u about something" Ruhi said to me.

" yaah, what happened" I asked her adjusting pari on my lap.

"its about bhai. I dont know about ur reasons of agreeing for this marriage despite knowing of him being divorced and with a kid. Even I am sure u both would have discussed about ur furture and about ur expectations from this arrangement. And u are well aware of bhai marrying u is to bring a mother for Pari. Right?" Ruhi asked and stared at me.

" Yes Ruhi. u are wright we both have discussed about this and I know that he is doing all of this just for Pari. To be honest I have no problem in it" I replied to her.

"Bhabi, i have trust in u and my bhai of u both being great parents to Pari. But what about ur marriage life. Bhabhi, I might sound selfish, but i truly want Bhai to fall in love again and i know u both are not expecting any such thing from each other and he might have cleared u about that.But bhabhi i want u to be the reason to again make him beleive in love and I believe that u can bring that original Rudra who has been missing in all these years and has been hidden in his cold facade" she said and looked at me with hope.

"umm Ruhi, I dont know if this can happen or not, because i myself felt love being overrated for me any relation need to have respect and care for each other.If this two aspects are their in any relation,then it's easy and happy way to survive in marriage institution. I may try to be good friend for him but as a wife i dont know" I voiced out hesitatly.

"It's fine bhabhi and I am thankful that u tried to understand my point.
But I am sure for one thing, destiny has made both of u to meet each other to make u both understand about LOVE. So be ready to fall in love my dear would be bhabhi" and winked at me.

I shook my head and poked her arm "Ruhi madam u need to stop watching those turkish dramas life is far different from it" .

She rolled her eyes and went towards aunty and rudra sir.Here I sat on sofa with sleeping Pari and wondering about my future.

"Sandhya beta come here, help me to select anklet for Pari.Mere bacche toh kisi Kam ke nahi hein" I heard anitha aunty calling me.

I went towards them where both sir and Ruhi had a gloomy face and may be fed up with all this shopping.

"Now Sandhya select among these two, now u are her mom it is now ur duty to buy all this for ur daughter"
And she started to show me the anklets.
All the anklets were beautifully designed but I am looking for light weighted material and small bells over it so that pari can wear everyday.

"Listen'" I heard voice behind me. I turned abruptly only to collide with hard chest.
"Easy there! Pari is awake u can give her to me it will be easy for u to select" he said looking at Pari

I was so engrossed in the selection that I didn't see pari being awake and looking at her surrounding silently.
And aunty was busy with packaging other selected jewellery.

I nodded and gave Pari to him.Pari went to him and gave sloppy kiss on his cheek. Automatically my lips formed a smile.

After sometime we finished with our shopping and all of them sat in the car  to return our respective home.

Soon I was dropped in front of my apartment and they drove back to their house.

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