CHAPTER 15-(Major career hacks taught by sir)

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Sandhya P.o.v

The next day, I woke up started with my usual routine, and got ready for college. At 9 am I reached college and went to the molecular lab where all other Ph.D. scholars and interns were preparing themselves to start their today's tasks. I went towards the corner of the lab and opened my laptop to do the final editing and some research on the article given by sir.

"Listen, everyone, there is an announcement for all the Ph.D. scholars to attend the seminar that will be conducted today on the latest global research projects at 10.00 am. Rudra sir want everyone to be present there in the auditorium" I heard Pratiusha Mam's voice, my senior conveying the message.

I looked at my watch to see only half an hour left for the seminar to start, so before that I thought to complete my article work. So,I did my final editing and winded up my work.

"Sandhya, Dr . Naveeda is calling you in her cabin" one attender came and informed me.

Dr. Naveeda is the newly joined assistant professor in the molecular biology department. No idea what work she has with me.

I went towards the cabin and asked her permission to enter.

"Good morning mam" I wished her politely.

"Good morning Sandhya, Actually i have a work for you. I wanted you to take practical class for few interns and pg students. As I have to grade the answer sheets today." she exclaimed.

"Mam, but there is a seminar in a few minutes where all the PhD students were asked to attend " I said to mam remembering the announcement made few hours back.

"Its not mandatory, besides these types of seminars will be held in future also. I hope you know that there is grading in your curriculum for teaching also." She stressed last sentence and glared me.

In between the discussion, we heard a knock at the door

''Come in" mam said and the door opened only to enter Ruhi with her laptop.

We both gave a suprise glance to each other and Ruhi wriggled her eyebrows at me.

'Come Ruhi , take that article print out and then we can do final editing' Mam said to Ruhi.

Ruhi went towards the printer and started doing her work.

'So,I hope u got it.Now you can go' mam said looking at me.

"But mam." I was trying to convince her but she interrupted me again.

"There is no buts Sandhya. Besides it is not a hard practical to take, it is just a electrophoresis. And all the reagents are already prepared so you just have to guide on how to run a sample.So it will take less time only. After that u can attend the seminar" she declared and dismissed me.

With a sigh, I left her cabin and went towards the pg. lab to take practical.

Students were already seated in front of their respective work stations. As we will be working on the human samples and we have 4 electrophoretic apparatus . So i thought to divide them in 4 groups.

"Good morning everyone, today I will be guiding you on your practical session. So I request you to divide yourselves in 4 groups." I announced.

They followed my instructions. I briefed them about the process and principle of the technique.

"You have to separate the plasma proteins of given human sample. And remember some of the samples might be abnormal or may belong to diseased person. So you have to analyse the bands obtained at last and note down the report". I explained them their objectives.

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