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The amusement park is finally open. I look over at Marjorine. You can tell in her eyes she's excited.

I hold onto her hand and walk into the gate. When we get inside, you can see a few people walking around. Holding candy, snacks, and other things.

I walk up to the booth where we  for wristbands. He hands me one white and a pink one. I look over at Marjorine.

"Which one would you like, my lady?" I ask. She smiles and points at the pink one. I give her the pink one and put the white wristband on my arm. "Did you get it on? is it a perfect fit?" I ask her. "Ah yes! It's on perfectly!" She says loudly so I can hear her all over the other people. "What ride would you like to ride first?" I ask.

She takes a moment to think. She lets out a mischievous smile. "Let's go on the highest Rollercoaster." Letting out a little giggle. Shit a Rollercoaster? What if I fall off. Worse. What if she does??? But I can't say no to her. "Okay, and where is that." I say, looking at her.

She points over at a Rollercoaster near the spaceship ride. "Holy shit that's huge." I say. I look over at her. "You sure you wanna ride this one, Marj?"

"Mhm! I'm 100% sure." She says, smiling brightly more than the other times. "Okay then.." She grabs my hand and runs up to the ride. The man upfront scans our wristbands. Marjorine seems super excited. Meanwhile, I can't help but think what something bad happens. We get in our spots on the Rollercoaster. I hold onto Marjorines hand tightly. "Hey no need to be scared, big guy." She says with a giggle, taking her other hand to ruffle my hair.

"I'm not scared!" I saw loudly.  "Just worried about you, okay." I say with a tint of blush. "Awh, how nice of you!" She says with a smile. You can hear a loud voice over the speaker. Telling us to make sure our seat belts are locked on tight. And we keep all other body parts inside the ride.

Soon, the ride starts. It's pretty slow at first, but then we hit the drop, and it became fast. Soon, we were in a loop that was hella high. I tried to hold onto Marjs hand. But she put both her arms in the sky while laughing. I felt as if I was about to shit my fucking pants.

Soon, the ride was over. I was so dizzy that I fell out of the ride when we stopped to get out. "Kenny!" Marjoine got out and helped me up. "Are you okay?" She asks, looking at me. She's so worried it's cute. "I'm okay! Just dizzy." I say reassuring her I'm not on the verge of death or something.

She sighs. "Now come on I think we're holding up the line-" I say taking her hand and exiting the ride. "What do you wanna do now?" I ask. "We can go on the ferris wheel!" She says with a smile, hugging my arm. She's so adorable and nice. Her touch is fragile.

"Yeah sure let's go!" I say. We run up to the ferris wheel. Get scanned and get in a cart by ourselves. She looks out the window part while we rise up. "The view is nice, isn't it!" She says with a huge smile on her face while she looks at me. "Yeah, it's amazing!" I say. I look down at the ground of the cart. Does she like me? Or will we stay friends?

She sits back in her seat. "Thanks for taking me here kenny." She says looking at me. I smile and nod. "Hey, um are we gonna stay friends or like.." I pause for a moment. Maybe it was too soon to ask this?

"Well Kenny. I think I really do like you. When I'm around, you it can be hard to breathe at times! I think your a nice guy. You worry for me and for your sister. You show careness and affection. " She says looking at me. "I think I might want to be your girlfriend." She says with a smile. "Might?" I ask. "Well i-i don't know what you think." She says nervously. "Well I'd love for you to be my girlfriend.:

The girl I saw that night// kenjorine Where stories live. Discover now