"𝘨𝘰 𝘰𝘯, 𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘢, 𝘪𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯."

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/ lower case intended, probably some cussing.
somewhat detailed makeout scene but that's ab it. /
! takes place in LA!

chris likes to game, we all know it. he's very competitive and gets loud and angry often.
so, here you are, sitting on his bed, while he's at his desk, playing a game.

there hasn't been a single word uttered between the couple. just comfortable, peaceful silence. (with the occasional yell and bang on the desk coming from the brunet next to you.)

you always like peaceful moments with chris, believe it or not chris is more quiet than not, especially with you. when he's tired? quiet. mornings? quiet. getting ready together? quiet. you get my point. yeah?

however, you wanted to break the comfortable silence you both have created so you begin telling stories about your day or what happened during it. you were mid story when you realized something, the boy hasn't even acknowledged the fact you were talking or even took one headphone off to hear you, so as a response to that you completely stopped talking.

you just opened your phone and started scrolling through social medias, chris, unbeknownst to you took a notice of this very fast. he quickly paused the game he was playing and swiveled his chair around to look at you, sitting on his bed. he moved his headset to rest on his neck and then he said it.

"go on, mama, i'm listenin." he said with that stupid smirk on his face, his big stupid hands resting in his lap, his stupid manspreading, his stupid all black outfit. stupid, stupid, stupid chris.

and just like that, you couldn't speak. butterflies erupted into your stomach, making your stomach do backflips. you put your phone to sleep, and you genuinely could not form words.

"you- i- uh" you stuttered, the butterflies from your stomach quickly rising to your throat; you pursed your lips together, giving up completely on coherent human speech.

"use your words, baby."

"chrisssssssss" you muttered, dragging out the last letter of the brunets name.

"hold on, pretty, one second, okay?"

"... okay."

he quickly turned back around, shut off his game and sat up, resting his headset on his blank monitor. he walked towards you and cupped your face and to look up at him.

"you have my attention now, mama. how you wanna use it?"

he slowly leaned down and kissed you, so so painfully slow.

he always touched you so innocently, so often, that the second he didn't you combusted. the skin where he touched burning from the contact.

one of his big hands slithered to the back of your neck, holding it in place. your hands reaching up to cup his jaw, feeling it slope and move every time his soft lips moved against yours. he fully entranced you; he always trapped you in this push and pull when he kissed you. he'd push, then pull, then you'd push, and he'd push back in response; don't get it twisted. this was never a battle of dominance in the kiss. he just...likes kissing you.

slowly he begins pushing you down to lay on the bed, and him climbing on top of you, holding the same kiss, he lies between your legs, hovering over you; his arms resting on either side of your head.
slowly he pulls away and opened his eyes to look down at you.

"have fun?"

you could only nod.


and with that, he plops down on you, earning a groan from you. he rested his head on your chest and closed his eyes. your hand finds purchase in his brunet curls; softly playing with them.

you always enjoyed peaceful moments with chris. well. you enjoy any moment with chris. from jumping in the pool fully clothed to sitting in his room while he plays a game to when he's kissing you dumb, you always enjoyed it.

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word count : 655

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