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[i go back to work this tuesday so i will be alot less active but ill try my best :) ]

/ lowercase intended, hickies (obviously), n yea. it's not spicy or anything but yea. enjoy. /

! takes place in boston!

chris is a very affectionate person, we all know this. not so much around people because he isn't too fond of being picked on for showing his partner love and affection; however, he always, and i mean always had an arm around you. you didn't know if it was a protective thing or him just showing you off or that the fact that you were his.

today, you found out that he liked showing the world you were his.

the boys had friends over today, nate, elmer, chloe and some other mutual friends. you all were currently sitting on the couch watching a show, chris to your right, his arms resting around your waist and his thumb rubbing circles on your hip with your hand resting on his chest.

elmer was to your left, he was a little bit too close for chriss' comfort.

in the 4 months you've been together you caught onto something very quickly, he got jealous. fast.

he trusts elmer and he trusts you with his life but he can't help it, he's a protective man.

after the episode he gets up from the couch,

"im gonna get a pepsi, anybody want anything?"

everyone gave their answers, him nodding after each one. after everyone was done requesting their drinks, chris looked at you and pointed.

"you. come with me."

"huh? something wrong?" you raised your eyebrow at the boy.

"no. don't ask questions. just come with me, yea?"

"sure." you got up and followed him into the kitchen.

he closed the door from the kitchen to the living room.

you walked to the fridge, opening the door and begin grabbing drinks. you felt a pair of big hands rest at your waist. he slowly leaned closer and whispered into your ear.

"put the drinks down, please." his hot breath reaching your neck and, on your ear, causing goosebumps to rise all over your body, butterflies erupting throughout your stomach, a shiver going down your spine.

you slowly put the drinks down and closed the fridge. you slowly turned around and looked up at him, blushing. his hands moved down to your hips and slowly pushed your back against the fridge.

"c-chris..?" you somehow managed to mutter out.

he kissed your forehead, "please just, let me do this, okay?"

you could only nod in response.
he kept a firm grip on your hips, and he leaned his head down to your neck, kissing it softly. one of your hands found purchase in his hair and the other gripping his shirt. he started licking the spot on your neck, softly biting it, then he began sucking on it, eliciting a soft gasp from you.

he shifted his attention to another spot on your neck, continuing his ministrations. he leaned his head up to look at his work, smiling at it.

"perfect." he leaned down and kissed your lips softly.

"chris? what?"

"nothin'" he grabbed your waist and moved you gently away from the fridge, opening it and began grabbing drinks. you stood there, shocked and blushing, watching him reaching for drinks. he grabbed all the drinks.

"okie dokie, lets go." he softly smiled at you, and you followed like a lost puppy, still shocked at the sudden attention.

you both sat down, resuming your show. chirss hand back on your hip and your head resting on his shoulder. as everyone was leaving and giving out hugs; chloe was the last the leave. she hugged you and then pulled away her hands at your shoulders.

"is that a hickey?" she asked you, her eyebrow raised.

"huh?" you were definitely confused. then it clicked. you smiled at her, and led her out of the house, then you raced up the stairs and opened the brunet's room door.

"christopher owen."

his head flung up; eyes wide.

"am i in trouble? what did i do??"

"i have two hickies! on my neck! is that what you pulled me away for? to give me hickies??" you asked, blushed and embarrassed.

he smirked and got up from his bed and slowly walked over to you. he softly grabbed your jaw and titled your head up and softly chuckled.

"¡ did a good job, huh?"

"but you embarrassed me infront of our friends, chris."

"calm down, pretty. no, i didn't. they don't care. if anything, it was for my own peace of mind. now everyone knows you're mine and mine alone."

"whatever, ill just cover it up with makeup." you rolled your eyes, as you walked over and laid on his bed.

"awh. don't do that. i think they're hot. you should show em off." he giggled, laying down next to you.

"only if you let me give you a matching one." you joked.

"eh, tomorrow for sure. I'm super tired."

"¡ bet."

you two cuddled into one another and fell asleep. and he kept his word and let you give him a hickey first thing that morning.

you liked his affection, you liked how he touched you, and you liked that the first time he gave you a hickey was when he was being overprotective.

you can admit it, it was hot. and it definitely won't be the last time he gives you a hickey to show off that fact that vou're his

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word count  : 920

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