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[ hi guysss, i'm trying so hard to start writing more!! just please be patient with me :) ]

/ lowercase intended, insecurities, cuss words, angst if you squint REALL hard. implied smexy sex time if you know what i mean TEHEHEHHE nothing detailed whatsoever but HEAVILYYY implied /

barely proofread so if you see mistakes no you dont !! :)

chubby reader!

! takes place on tour !

you've been dating matt since you both graduated 3 years ago, everyone knows this. you've been in countless of their videos and livestreams, so it was a no brainer that you went to both tours, practically living in the same bunk with him for a month.

the first tour was easy, for the most part at least. most of the fans were polite of yours and matts relationship and respected it. however, with the growth of his audience came with the people who weren't as nice.

now, you definitely weren't as skinny as other girls, people could see how you would adjust your shirt to hide your pudge, or how your tummy would poke out from your jeans, or how your back would slightly flow over your bra or how you would only sit down with a baggy shirt or how you would hide yourself behind matt when meeting people.

but being with matt heightened your confidence. he made you feel all giddy every time he talked to you. he always cherished you, there wasn't a part on your tummy he didn't kiss or rub, or how he would always hype up your outfits and call you beautiful, or a bra he didn't know how to unclip from your beautiful body. or a shirt he didn't offer you at night because quote end quote that you 'looked better in it anyways.'

sometimes his love was so blinding and shining that you forgot how the rest of the world saw you.

like today, it was show 5. during sometime during the show you had to use the bathroom, walking to the bathroom with a security guard (that matt demanded you have, he can't have his girl gettin hurt can he?) you overheard the whispers.

"that's matt girlfriend?"

"oh my god, ew."

"she's a fucking whale."

"he could do so much better."

"she's so fucking ugly."

quickly you turned your head to see two skinny, tall girls laughing and giggling.

how could people so mean be a fan of your sweet boy? it truly confused you.

the rest of night went by as a blur, your mind fogging over, their words shadowing over every single endearing word matt has ever uttered to you.

the show quickly wrapped up, sitting in the tour bus you didn't utter a single word. matt had climbed onto the tour bus, finding his way next to you, he rested his hand on your upper thigh, kissing your temple, "hey, hun."

you hummed in acknowledgement, scrolling on tiktok with your airpods in. he softly took out one of your airpods in and put it in his own ear before resting his head on your shoulder to watch your phone with you, his hand still on your thigh.

as your arrived to the hotel and getting out the bus, he kept his hand around you the entire time, keeping his finger looped into the belt loop of your pants. you both quickly made your way to your guys rooms wanting to rest.

however as you guys got into your shared room and closed the door he immediately asked you, "what's wrong?"

"what do you mean?" you quipped back at him, looking back at him as he put down his backpack.

"c'mon don't think i can't tell." he chuckled, looking at you, cocking his eyebrow and crossing his arms.

he noticed, of course he did. he could pick up how you felt from the way you breathe and vice versa.

"i- i- well, it's stupid." you softly spoke, sitting on the single bed.

sitting down next to you, his thigh touching yours, his side grazing yours. "i don't care if you think it's stupid, you're upset and i can tell. i want to know what's upsetting you. i can't help you if you don't let me." he said as he rested his hand on your knee.

he was right, matt was almost always right. sighing, you begin to tell him. "people, uhm, at the show were making fun of me." you swallowed back tears, your head hanging low. "they called me fat, and a whale, saying you shouldn't be with me, or how you could do so much better. and- and they're right.."

your tears begin to fall onto your pants. slowly, and gingerly he cupped your face, tilting it to look at him. "c'mon sweet thing, look at me."

you gave in and looked at him, tears falling out from your eyes.

he still thought you looked beautiful, he wanted to kiss you right then and there, but he figured he could do that later.

"hey hey hey, don't say that. who gives a single fuck what they say? you're the most beautiful girl i've ever laid eyes on. you're my girl. sweetheart, you're it." he softly smiled at you, wiping your tears.

"i-" you started, but he quickly interrupted you, "hey, who said i was done talkin'?"

he continued, "and i know, it hurts, i know it does. but i mean it when i say that you're gorgeous, you wear my shirts, you sit on my lap, you lay on me, you do that, hun. you make my heart skip a beat, you make me blush, you still give me butterflies. you do all that. you. i don't give a fuck if they're my fans or not, they don't get to say shit like that to my girl. you were here first. you built me to be the person i am today. i built my whole future around you. you're my girl."

you sniffled in response, as he wiped your tears before kissing your forehead. "feel better?" he muttered against your forehead.

"yea, i do, thank you." you sniffled one more time.

"great, we're gonna shower." he stated, getting up from the bed.

"huh? us?" you raised your eyebrow at the brunet.

"yup, us." he smiled widely at you.

you smiled at him, following him into the bathroom, both of you giggling.

you both showered, got dressed and made your way to the bed, with your boyfriend right behind you.

"hey, y/n." right before you reached the bed, he whispered in your ear, his hands on your waist.

he quickly turned you around to face him.

"i love you."

you smiled, "i love you too."

he smirked, before softly pushing you down onto the bed, climbing on top of you.

"and imma show you, just," he kissed your neck,

"how," he kissed your collarbone.

"much." he kissed your sternum.

your boyfriend loved you, and he was always willing to show you just how much, however you wanted to. from kissing you dumb, or pinning you to the shower wall, or pinning you hips to the bed. he loved every single inch of you.
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word count : 1191

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