𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙮 𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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/ lowercase intended. probably cussing. intimate scenes./
! takes place in LA !
look at me !! finally uploading !!

chris is a cuddly person, we all know it. he is an incredibly affectionate person.

he's always linking pinkies, arms around your waist, knee nudging into yours, his hand in your back pocket as you walk, back hugs, hugging, tucking his head into your neck, any physical contact you can name, your golden retriever boyfriend has done it.

however, most of that is during the day and in public, when he can decipherer with his own consciousness when enough is enough and to turn it down a notch.

on the other hand, when the brunet is tired? all of that is thrown out the window.

he quite literally behaves like a shameless toddler.

so here you two were, in a very public setting, larrays birthday party. it was nearing the end of the party at about 1 in the morning; and you boyfriend is becoming visibly tired.

he was clinging onto you like a sleepy koala; his eyes drooping and his head is currently tucked into your neck and his arms is wrapped around your waist; you can feel his body weight leaning onto yours.

"hey, chris, can i have my phone?"

he hummed in acknowledgement, reaching his hand down to your back pocket and plucking your phone out with his index finger and thumb and handed it to you, his hand slithering back to its previous position wrapped around your stomach.

you quickly send matt a text that you guys have to go, and soon enough all of your group was in the car, chris still clinging onto you in the car, his head on your shoulder and arms still wrapped around your waist.

you reached your hand up to play with his hair, his eyes fluttered closed and his grip loosened, he was softly snoring.

he had fallen asleep.

your heart strings tugged, and you kissed his forehead.

you quietly muttered against his forehead.

"chris, baby, wake up. you can't fall asleep here.''

he grumbled in displeasure, "baby, cmonn." he muttered against your ear, his low voice sending shivers down your spine.

"you can sleep when we get home, sweetheart."  you softly giggled at him, continuing to play with the boys hair.

matt pulled into the garage and you began to drag your sleepy boyfriend through said garage.

thankfully your guys' room was just down the hall. you bid the others goodnight and dragged him into your shared room.

you both sleepily changed into pajamas, yours being short shorts, and his baggy betty boop shirt, and his being just some black pajama pants.

you quickly did your skincare; ignoring your boyfriends complaints about how tired he was and how bad he wanted to cuddle.

you opened the bathroom door to see your boyfriend already laying down on the bed scrolling aimlessly on his phone; when he saw you, he smiled warmly and put his phone on charge and put it on his nightstand.

you climbed into bed, and he pulled you closer to him, tucking his head into your neck.

''hey, sweetheart." he mumbled against your neck, softly kissing it.

"hey, handsome." you kissed the top of his head, and softly played with his hair.

he wrapped his arms around your waist, he slipped his hand up your shirt and rubbed your bare back as your hands reached down to his back and shoulders.

"goodnight, mama." he softly muttered, almost a whisper.

"goodnight, pretty boy." you softly whispered back.

and surely enough, his movements slowly came to a halt and his breathing became slower, and he started softly snoring against your neck.

you, however, continued your ministrations, furthering his slumber.

you smiled at him and admired him, you slowly started to trace his features with your finger; being careful to not wake your already exhausted boyfriend.

your heart melted the more you admired him. he was so perfect, he was so gentle, caring, hard-working, passionate, loving, and funny. he's your boyfriend. your boy. your love. yours.

you admired each one of his freckles, the slight dip in his nose, his perfect eyebrows, his sloped jaw, his pink lips, his pretty eyelashes, his slightly grown in stubble, his soft hair, his pretty ears. he is so utterly, and breathtakingly gorgeous.

he was so beautiful, your beautiful boy. your sweet boy.

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word count : 732

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