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/ lowercase intended. cussing. intimate scenes. reader realizing he likes men. /

! takes place in LA !


you always thought you were straight; you liked women and have only dated women. you never had to question your sexuality, that's how confident you were in your sexuality.

well, that was until you met nick. your life was quite literally turned upside down.

you had met last october at some party in LA, and the second he shook your hand, your mind went into a frenzy.

it was all you could think about; but no. you were straight. you knew that.

you had been hanging out with them consistently since that day, mainly cause you, chris and matt had a lot in common. you'd go out to eat together, hang out with other guys, go to the gym, but the main reason you went to hang out with them was the fact you could see nick. even if it was just for a glimpse, you could see him.

for the longest time, you thought it was just because you thought he was inriguing.

oh, how you were wrong.

it happened about a month and a half ago; you were going to hang out with the boys, but at some point, matt wanted a certain snack, wanting to fulfill his craving he dragged chris to go to 7/11, leaving just you and nick.

you both were sat on the couch, opposite ends.

your palms were already sweating, the cold silver rings on your fingers beginning to slide off your fingers due to the sweat. your face beginning to flush red, your heart dropping to your stomach.

why was he making you so nervous?

why did you care so much?

why did he smell so good right now?

why did you want to get closer to him?

what the fuck is happening?

you went home that night, incredibly confused.

every time you'd make a joke, you'd look at him. every time you looked at him, you'd feel nervous, and your face would flush. every time he'd talk to you, you'd stutter, and you would have trouble forming words and sentences.

bidding your goodbyes to the boys and madi, working your way home; all you could think about was nick.

all these feelings confused you.

your heart was perplexed, and your brain was dazed. this made no sense to you. you had never felt this way towards any guy whatsoever.

unlocking your front door and stepping inside, popping your shoes off by your front door. you worked your way to your bed, flopping down onto it.

you had a crush on nick sturniolo, and it was so fucking confusing.

a month and a half had gone by, you had confirmed your bisexuality. however, it was still eating at you.

did he feel the same?

would he ever even think of it?

you began to distance yourself from the boys and their friends. it was scaring you beyond belief. chris and matt let you be, thinking you needed some alone time. nick on the other hand was worried.

this wasn't like you. you'd spend just about every night you could with them. now you're down to spending one night every two weeks with them.

he missed you.

so, he confronted you about it one night.

"hey y/n, can we talk?" nick softly asked you while you were putting your shoes back on at their front door, as chris and matt went to their respective rooms.

and immediately, you were shitting bricks.

"uh, yeah. what's up?" you stuttered out, acting as calm as possible.

"you doing alright? you've been distant and it's making me worried." he softly muttered, concern pooling in his eyes.

"oh, uhm, a lot has been on my mind. that's it." you quickly spoke out, tying your shoelaces.

"oh, well care to elaborate a bit..?"

".. nick.. i- i don't even know where to begin." you mumbled out, looking everywhere but him.

however, he continued to look at you, urging you to keep going.

"i'm listening."

"fuck, dude. whatever. fuck it." you whispered to yourself. you continued,

"nick, i really fucking like you. months have gone by, and it won't go away. and holy shit it changed my life. you changed my life. i can't tell you how many times i've sat in room on my bed thinking about you. you don't have to say anything or feel the same or anything, but it's been eating at me and i can't hold it in anymore."

nick looked at you in disbelief, before cupping your face gingerly. pushing his forehead up against yours.

"you don't know how bad i wanted to hear you say that." he muttered, leaning forward and closing the gap between you, kissing you softly.

your hands naturally found purchase around his waist, one of his hands reaching to your hair and the other reaching around your shoulders.

you both pulled away, needing air. you rested your forehead against his, your arms still wrapped around him.

"thank fuck." you laughed out.

"WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK???" chris yelled out.

you and nick looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

all you went through was so worth it, now you're stuck with nick and his goofy brothers. and you loved it. you loved nick, and he loved you.
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word count : 890

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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