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[ trying to get out of writers block is so painful. sorry if this is ass. ]

/ lowercase intended. probably swearing. intimate scenes ofc kissing n stufffffff /

mornings with matt are peaceful. granted, you both sleep in till noon and later. you always try to get up earlier, however he always he grabs your waist and flushes your back against his bare chest, kissing your shoulder and up your neck muttering a quiet "c'mon, baby, don't leave me just yet."

which always works, successfully entrancing you to join him back in a peaceful slumber; cuddling into him and dragging his black fleece blanket over the both of you again.

and just like every other morning you shared with the brunet; he had you flush against him. your back against his chest, his head in your neck, his soft hair tickling your skin, his arms wrapped around your waist limply.

the brunet is softly snoring, his mouth just slightly open. you can definitely admit it, he was a very cute sleeper. he's even cuter when he's sleepy. ultimately clingier, and soft. he'll practically melt into your hands. truly, an angel, if you will.

you open your eyes, immediately feeling his hair tickling your skin and his breath on your neck. you take a glance at the clock on the nightstand. it read
12:37 P.M.

it's really time to get up.

you turn your head to kiss his temple, you begin drawing patterns on his forearms that are wrapped around your waist.

"mattttttt wake up, love." you muttered against his temple, softly kissing it again.

he muttered something incoherent, and furthered nuzzled his head into your neck.

"matt, c'mon, seriously. we have to get up."

he muttered against your neck, "nuh uh. i don't have to do anything i dont want to."

"ill buy you dinner tonight and let you pick out anything you want from target today."

and with that he was awake. he was definitely easily bribed, especially when you're doing it with him.
he lifted his head up and looked down at you. his hair crazy from his sleep.

he softly smiled at her. "hi." he spoke softly, his voice raspy from not using it for hours.

which you can admit, again, makes you feel all kinds of things. if you weren't already laying down your knees would've given out.

"hi. good morning, sweetheart."

he reaches his hand up to cup your face, he slowly began tracing your face and admiring you, silence falling over the room. his eyes scanned your face as you softly stared up at him.

he leaned in a softly kissed your lips, the kiss only lasted a second before he pulled away muttered against your lips,

"¡ love waking up to you."

his raspy voice reaching your ears, his breath on your lips. you couldn't get a response out before he kissed you again.

your hands reached up to his neck, some of your fingers resting behind his ears while the others rested in front of his ears. one of your hands playing with his hair softly, as the other reached down to his bare chest. a soft little noise fell from his mouth as he deepened the kiss, he pawed at your hip bones. unfortunately, in need of air, he pulled away, looking into your eyes.

you giggled softly, "go brush your teeth." you kept your hand on his chest and the other hand on his shoulder.

he rolled his eyes, "yuh uh, you too."

they lazily got up and scurried into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

mornings with matt are always nice, his clinginess, his cuddling, his kisses, and his stupid morning voice that gets your knees weak every morning.

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word count : 622

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