"𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲"

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[ i hate not writing for y'all, imma try my best, i prooommiiiseee]

/ lowercase intended, probably some spelling mistakes or errors. a fight with comfort. enjoy :) /

! takes place in LA !
not proofread.

you and matt never fight.

you both were firm believers in communication; never letting any passive aggressiveness fester. you both always told each other everything. and today was like any other, until you asked him to move your clothes to the dryer, a simple task. even if some of his own damn clothes were mixed with it.

"do it your damn self, y/n." he said with a scoff, sitting at his desk scrolling through his email. as you sat on your shared bed with the (grumpy) brunet.

alarms went off in your head, matt's upset.

first red flag, he didn't turn to smile at you. second, he was obviously being pissy. third, he called you by your whole first name.

he always responds with a "of course, sweetheart." with a soft, warm smile.

none the less, it's not like you can't handle it yourself, just you and matt always do each other favors. ( ;) )

you softly closed the book you were reading, "okay, fine. sorry i asked." your eyes burning into the back of the brunets' head, you got up and began walking towards the door keeping your eyes on him the whole time. you took notice of his stance, his tense shoulders, his clenched jaw, even the hand he had his chin resting on is tense. he looked so,,, tense.

you quickly moved your clothes from the washer to the dryer and walked back into the room where your grumpy boyfriend was, his stance hasn't faltered. something was bothering him. and he choose not to tell you.

that bothered you.

in an attempt to calm your boyfriend, you walked behind him, and reached down to massage his tense shoulders; something he never declines. however, as your soft hands made contact with his broad, tense shoulders, he immediately pulled away.

looking over his shoulder at you, "don't fucking touch me." he stated with venom dripping in his voice and daggers in his eyes staring right into yours. the venom in his voice reaching your heart and poisoning it. your blood ran cold, and your heart sank to your stomach. the daggers in his eyes stabbing your own.

tears began to well in your eyes the very second his venom slipped into your bloodstream.

the daggers dulled and the blades broke off and his heart clenched, his expression immediately softening. his hand went to reach out to you but you pulled away from him before he could even get halfway.

"baby i'm so sor-"

you cut him off before he could even finish his sentence, "don't fucking 'baby' me, matthew! what the absolute fuck is wrong with you? i'm sorry if i upset you, okay?! but fucking excuse me if i didn't know because you're the immature fuck who refused to say anything to me. not a word, don't talk to me unless you're gonna apologize for whatever the fuck that was." you spoke, the knot in your throat becoming stronger and tighter with each word you spoke out. tears streaming down your face, choking and stuttering, voice faltering, and snot coming out of your nose. it wasn't that pretty of a sight, (even if he still thought you looked breathtaking.) but it was real. that was real hurt. he hurt you.

you quickly made your exit, sliding your shoes on and grabbing your car keys and making your way to your car, wiping tears and snot off your face.

you sat in the car, head against your arms as they rest against the wheel.

you needed to get out of that house, your home. you started up your car, queuing up some of your favorite songs. you drove for hours, you glanced at the clocked, 3:26AM. it was time to go home.

you pulled into the driveway and saw a silhouette sitting on the porch, getting out of your car you notice it was your boyfriend in just a tshirt and pj pants in 40 degree weather; he has got to be cold, you thought to yourself with a pout on your face. you take in his stance just like you did hours ago. his legs were curled up to his chest and his arms were resting on his knees with his head dropped over his arms.

as you walked up to him, he looked up at you. his eyes red and puffy, his nose red, and his cheeks stained with tears. he was crying harder than you did. he went to stand up but you pushed him back down to his sitting position, "no, no i'll join you." you spoke, as you sat down next to him, matching stance.

you turned to see him already looking at you, tears already welling back up in his eyes.

"darling, i am so so sorry for how i talked to you. i- i don't even know why, i'm just stressed out but that's no excuse whatsoever for how i talked to you. i don't wanna loose you and i never meant to hurt you. you're my world, you're my future. i am so sorry." he spoke softly, tears one by one making their way down his red cheeks.

you leaned over and wiped his cheeks with your hands, "why are you out here, sweetheart?" the palms of your sweater absorbing the tears. he blinked a few times, staring at you. "huh? oh, i had to make sure you got home safe."

you smiled at him softly, "of course i forgive you, i couldn't stay mad at you forever even if you killed someone." you softly smiled. "just next time, tell me. okay?" you continued.

"of course." he nodded, smiling back at you.

you softly leaned in for a kiss, to his cold pink lips, yours immediately warming his. you brought him closer to you, sharing your warmth as his hands pawed at your hips and waist. your hands traveled up into his hair, softly pulling on it; elicitng a soft noise of contentment from him.

to his dismay, you pulled away. "we shouldn't do this outside." you muttered and giggled, as he laughed along with you.

"wouldn't be the first time we did though." he softly spoke against your lips, smiling. his cold hands reaching up your sweater, pawing at your waist. his cold hands sending shivers down your spine.

"oh come on, lets get inside." you stood up, dragging him with you inside; halfway to your guys' room he stopped you.

"hey, hun, we okay?" he softly muttered, you turn to face him, still holding his hand.

"we're okay." you smiled at him, continuing on to your guys' room to cuddle with your cute boyfriend who was in desperate need of warmth. (and his cute girlfriend.)

that morning he made you french toast and cut up fruit and bought you brand new book you been meaning to read, and made it up to you all the way a boyfriend could do. like you deserved.
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word count : 1191

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now