Chapter 5

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Amys POV

I ran from the scene, not turning back at the calls of my name. I knew exactly where I was going to go.

The image of what i just witnessed replied in my mind. He had only his boxers on, his arms wrapped around and his toungue shooved down her neck. She was beautiful. She was tall, amazing figure and i knew who she was as soon as I saw her eyes. It was Gillian. Gillian, nialls ex girlfriend. She was a total bitch to him and hated me because she said i stole him off her. She made niall decide between her or me and niall being the loyal best friend he was chose me but I could tell he was upset and missed her alot but then I guess he forgot about her.

I arrived at Nialls house, tears still running down my face. I banged the door and niall looked at me confused, he probably didnt know if i was crying or just the rain. Why is it raining in the middle of summer? Oh yea thats right it was ireland. He mustve realised it was tears and not rain because he grabbed me in his arms and led me to the living room.

Niall came back from the kitchen with hot chocolate and biscuits. Usually this would cheer me up but i dont think it would be that easy today.

"what happened?" niall finally asked.

"S-stephen" i muttered "hmmp of course, what did he do?" he asked. "he was about to do it with G-gillian" i managed to say. Nialls face was a blank as a sheet of paper when he grabbed my wrists and looked into my eyes. "Amy, he doesnt deserve you okay? You are an amazing, beautiful girl and he should consider himself lucky that he even had a chance with you, he blew it and with Gillian, really? That shows how low he really is that he has to cheat on you but not only that but with your bestfriends ex. Amy please dont be upset okay, hes not worth your tears." i was shocked with what he had just said. "Niall you always know what to say all the time, thanks so much for being such a great friend." i said as i pulled him in for a hug.


"Such a great friend"

Her words replayed in my mind. Friend. I cant believe that idiot stephen did that to her and with Gillian, the town slut. I would never do that to her. I would love her, and protect her and tell her shes beautiful if i had the chance.

These feelings i have for her arent new. I think ive liked her since we were 14 but i couldnt do anything about it because she was with sean and of course that ended badly and she came to me for help and i never got the courage to tell her.

The main point in this visit was because i missed her, alot and i was planning on telling her but i couldng because stephen. But now they broke up and maybe i could have a channce. But what if shs doesnt like me back and it ruins our friendship.

I could feel her head moving up and down on my shoulder everynow and then a whimper would escape her mouth even though she was asleep.

The movie finished and i decided to take her upstairs to bed. I didnt think shed appreciate if i changed her so i left her in her day clothes. I hope she is feeling ok in the morning and if i get my hands on Stephen there will be trouble.

A/N sorry for any typos, had to write this fast!


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