Chapter 13: AJ's Gym

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"After watching Ash's gym match against Misty until it was interrupted by Team Rocket. Logan, Elaine, and Pearl were getting ready to leave when Ash stopped them by asking Logan if he wanted to travel with them. Leaving Logan unsure how to answer," The narrator said as he was seen looking over at Elaine and Pearl.

"That is a kind offer, but I think I will stick with my group of three," Logan said.

"Are you sure you don't want to tag along with us?" Misty asked.

"Yeah. Maybe if we run into each other again, I might change my mind, but for now, it just is the three of us and my Pokemon," Logan said, turning away.

He then waved bye and started walking on and off with Elaine and Pearl when Ash called out.

"Hey Logan, next time we meet, I hope to challenge you to a battle!" He called out.

"Sure thing Ash!" Logan called back as Ruby got comfortable on his shoulder.

"Your cousin is loud," Pearl commented.

"Yeah, he is, which is why he chose to travel with Logan," Elaine said."Though I probably would have ended up traveling with him if Logan had said yes, just not wanting to be alone," She said.

"I didn't know what to say at first because he caught me off guard, but I decided my group right now was good enough for me," Logan stated.

"Glad to hear that traveling with you has been fun," Elaine said.

"Same, even if I don't know you that well yet," Pearl agreed.

"Well, let's travel as much as we can and then set up camp for the evening and then, in the morning, continue the journey to Vermillion City," Logan said as he Elaine and Pearl left Cerulean City, beginning the journey to Vermillion City.


The following day after eating breakfast and clearing up their campsite. Logan, Elaine, and Pearl were walking down the next route leading to Vermillion City.

"Alright, Vermillion City, the next stop and location of my third gym badge," Logan said, looking at the map on his Pokenav.

"I heard there is an excellent cruise ship. Maybe we can check it out afterward," Pearl said.

"That could be fun, plus your Pokemon could use a rest after three gym battles," Elaine stated.


"Sure, I don't see a reason not to have some relaxation time after the gym," Logan said."However, first, we need to get through this route," He said, turning his attention back to the path ahead, putting his Pokenav away.

"Heads up, I heard from a trainer at the Pokemon Center before we left that there are a lot of trainers around here eager to battle," Pearl said.

"Got it; then it will be a great way to get in some more training for my Pokemon," Logan commented, walking ahead.

"I guess so since you swapped out two of your Pokemon," Pearl said, walking up to Logan.

"I can't wait to see who will evolve next," Elaine said curiously as she ran up to them to keep up.

"Who knows? Guess we'll find out as we make our way through here," Logan said as the three of them continued the great of the walk-in silence.


As they continued down the path, Logan ended up battling against nine trainers who challenged him to a battle, and he was now going against the tenth trainer.

The Pathway to Becoming a Gym Leader -Kanto RegionWhere stories live. Discover now