Chapter 23: A day in Vermillion with Pearl

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The was the next day after Logan received his third gym badge from Vermillion City gym leader Lt. Surge. Logan and their friends were just finishing up eating breakfast when they heard two familiar voices coming from up front.

"You getting scared, Ash," The first voice said, catching River's attention. 

"That voice," River mumbled.

"Lit, Eevee," Ruby and Eevee cried out at the sound. Both recognized the voice as well.

"No way, Misty," The second voice replied. 

"Well, it seems Ash finally made it to Vermillion City with Misty," Pearl said, laughing. 

"Seems that way, let's say hi sure Ruby would like to see Pikachu," Logan said, standing up as Ruby jumped onto his shoulder.

The others nodded and walked out of the cafeteria as they heard the argument continue.

"Well you talk big but then you see how tough it is to get badges you turn chicken maybe you should quit now besides the badges you have now you only got out of pity," Misty stated.

"Alright, break it up, you two," River said, stepping in between Ash and Misty." Misty you shouldn't tell Ash to quit sure he didn't get the badge by winning by Team Rocket's interfere, but if Pikachu didn't refuse to fight he would have won," He stated.

"Now before you get a big head, Ash. You shouldn't get overconfident it is unwise to be too overconfident before facing an opponent it just leads to losing in the end. It's best to know your opponent first," Logan commented.

Ash remained quiet after Logan's statement, realizing he was right.

"Now I and the others will be exploring given I got my badge already and River hoping to find a new pokemon," Logan said as he started walking off with Pearl and River.

"Ash, I suggest you make a plan before you challenge Lt. Surge," Elaine commented before following after the others.


Logan, Pearl,River, and Elaine were walking down the street of Vermillion City when Logan came to a stop.

"Hey, what's up?" River asked, glancing back at Logan. 

"I'm going to make a trip to the Pokemart while don't you three go ahead to the port for River to find himself a new pokemon," Logan  commented. 

"I'm actually going to go with you instead," Pearl said, walking over to Logan.

"Alright then, you two go ahead me and River will head to the port. See you when you're done at the Pokemart," Elaine said.

"I won't take long. I just need to stock up on a few things,but I might make a stop to the grocery store as well to stock up on supplies for food," Logan said. 

"Sounds good since you're not interested in catching a new water type. Let's meet back at the Pokemon Center for lunch," River said. 

Logan nodded as he waved bye to Elaine and River as him Pearl and Ruby headed off to the Pokemart to stock on supplies before he and his freinds leave Vermillion City making sure there good not knowing the next time they will be in a city to stock up so wanted to do ot now.


Logan, Pearl, and Ruby then headed to the Pokemart first to buy all the necessary items he needed to stock on up back on before they continued their pokemon journey. 

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