Chapter 16: Logan's Past

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"Last time, Logan, Elaine, Pearl, and recently joined River ended up getting off course when Eevee ran off. They soon encounter a wild Bulbasaur who is preventing Elaine from catching a Nidoran. Luckily a female Bulbasaur leads them to a cabin to help treat Charmander, who soon joins Logan along with Bulbasaur and Nidoran female joining Elaine. Now they are taking a short break as they continue their path to Vermillion City," The narrator said as the four trainers were seen sitting near a stump with Elaine looking through Binoculars.

"There a lot of Spearow around," Elaine commented.

"What kind of Pokemon are you hoping to find?" Pearl asked.

"I'm hoping to catch a Grass type. I might not be entirely sure about my goal, but I still want to catch Pokemon," Elaine said.

"Hm, I'm sure you can find a Pokemon on the following Route," River said.

"What is the next Route?" Elaine asked, looking at Logan, who had his Pokenav out.

"Route 24 is just up ahead, and there looks like there is a Pokemon Center as well that way," Logan said, reading the map.



"Good sounds like these two are ready for a nice rest at a Pokemon Center, "Pearl stated.

"Well, don't worry. We should be at the Pokemon Center after a bit more walking, and we can eat something and get you healed from all this travel," Logan said, putting away his Pokenav.




Logan, Pearl, Elaine, and River, after a bit of walking, had made it to the Pokemon Center, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Great, we made it now. I can't wait to eat a nice meal," Elaine said.

"Sounds good to me, but first, why don't we should give our Pokemon to Nurse Joy," Logan said, glancing at Ruby, relaxing on his shoulder.

"He has right been a bit since they got properly checked. It took us a while to get back on the path," Pearl stated.


"It's okay, Eevee. We know you didn't mean to take us off the path," Elaine said.

"That right. Besides, we got to encounter lots of Pokemon, and we made it back on the course anyway," River said, stroking Eevee, who was on Elaine's head.

"That right now; come on, let's get you and Ruby and the others healed up and ready to go," Logan said as the group walked to the front desk.

"Hello and welcome to the Pokemon Center. How can I help you today?" Nurse Joy asked with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, Nurse Joy. Will you take care of our Pokemon and would like two rooms for the girls and one for us two boys," Logan said, taking Ruby off his shoulder.

"Of course, place your Pokemon and Pokeballs on these trays, and then I'll get you two rooms," Nurse Joy said, pushing a tray in front of each of them and taping a button as a Chansey came with a cart to retrieve them

"Thank you," The four trainers placed their Pokeballs, Ruby and Eevee, on the tray.

"Chansey, take them to the exam room, and I will be back there shortly," Nurse Joy said, turning toward the computer as Chansey left."Alright, you're in rooms 8 and 9," She said, heading a key that had an eight on it to Logan and nine to Elaine.

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