Chapter 20: A lonely Water type

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"Last time Logan arrived at the beach near Bill's lighthouse along with Elaine, Pearl, River, Ash, Misty, and Brock. Where Logan catches himself a shiny Shellder. After training with Ruby and Sandy, they soon settled down for the night. Now Logan along with Elaine, Pearl, and River continue the way to Vermillion as soon as the sun rises deciding to tho ahead of Ash and his friends," The narrator said as the four trainers are seen walking down a path with Logan looking at the map on his Pokenav.

"It says here that Vermillion City is just a few more hours away," Logan said.

"Lit," Ruby cried.

"We should stop for a brief break," Pearl said.

"Yeah I think Ruby getting hungry," River said

Logan glanced at Ruby who was drolling at the sound of food and kneeled down petting her head and smiling."I feel you have been some time since we had something to eat," He said.

"Then break time it is," Elaine said glancing up at Eevee on her head who cried out in happiness in agreement with a break to eat food.

"Alright leave it to me food be ready as soon as possible," River said taking off his bag and pulling out the supplies needed to make a delicious meal.

"While you do that I'm going to get in some more training with Sandy and maybe see what Pokemon are around," Logan said.

"Got it I call you when food is ready," River said.

"Why don't you leave Ruby here to rest," Pearl said."I keep an eye on her while you train with Sandy."

"Alright Ruby you chill here with Pearl and the others," Logan said.

"Litleo!" Ruby cried out nodding in agreement as she went over and lay down next to Pearl and Elaine on the blanket under a shady tree.


Logan then walked into the clearing and heard suddenly a cry from above.


"Huh?" Logan questioned as he looked up to see a pi monkey in the tree.

"Huh?" Logan questioned as he looked up to see a pi monkey in the tree

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[Mankey, The Pig Monkey Pokemon. An agile Pokemon that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything.]

"Sandy let's roll!" Logan said sending out his Sandshrew.

"Mankey!" Makey cried out as it jumped down from the tree aiming its leg at Sandy.

"Sandy stop that Low Kick with Slash!" Logan commanded.

"Sandshrew!" Sandy cried out as she countered the Low Kick with a powerful Slash causing Mankey to slide back.

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