Chapter 21: Hello Vermillion City

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"Last time after taking a break on the path to Vermillion City. Logan stops to do some training with Sandy when he encounters a Goldeen who was abandoned by its trainer for being. After taking in the Golden and eating their meal. Logan, Elanie, Pearl, and River finally arrive in Vermillion City," The narrator said as Logan and the gang come across a sign reading Vermillion City.

"We finally made it to Vermillion City after getting off-tracked," Elaine said.

"Yeah but at least Logan got some new Pokemon out of it," Pearl commented.

"That's true it wasn't a complete loss," Logan said.

"Still off-track how do you think Ash and Misty are doing?" River questioned.

"Knowing my cousin's bad sense of direction especially since he probably didn't pick up a map at any of the Pokemon Centers he might take another day possibly longer," Elaine said with a chuckle.

"Eevee," Eevee said in agreement.

"That's why I'm glad my family made sure I had a map," Logan said looking at his Pokenav."Let's stop at the Pokemon Center first, and then stock up on medication in the Pokemart before the gym," He said picking up Ruby who looked tired.

"Excellent idea all this traveling must have these two worn out," River stated looking at both Ruby and Eevee.

"I agree it has been a while since the last Pokemon Center we visited," Pearl said in agreement.

"Don't worry Ruby I get you treated at the Pokemon Center before we take on the Vermillion City gym," Logan said looking at Ruby in his arms."Through I was thinking of going with Samdy to this gym."


Logan, Elaine, Pearl, and River arrived at the Pokemon Center.

"Can you please take care of her," Logan said holding out Ruby towards Nurse Joy as his other Pokeballs except for one were on the tray.

"Ah, you both must be from Kalso," Nurse Joy said taking Ruby."We get Litleo here all taken care of."

"Thank you," Logan said."You be alright Ruby I need to make a quick call," He said and was about to walk off when he noticed a boy rush inside the Pokemon Center with an injured Paras.

"That Paras in rough shape," River commented."Wonder what happened."

"That's the thirteen one this month," Nurse Joy said.

"What happened?" Elaine asked.

"They all lost to Lt.Surge the Vermillion City gym leader," Nurse Joy said.

"So the gym leader tough," Logan commented seeing the condition that Paras was in."I will be right back," He said walking off.


Logan was on the video phone as he dialed Professor Oak's lab.

"Hello Logan weren't you with Ash?" Professor Oak asked."He mentioned at Bill's lighthouse you were traveling with him."

"I was but we ended up going ahead to Vermillion City," He replied.

Ah, I see so you made it to Vermillion City."

"That's right and I would like to send you Shelly my Wartortle for Colgate to start training him since he hatched," Logan said.

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