𝐂𝐡. 5 : getting fit.

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(Your pov)

Racing down the stairs with your black uniform and (f/c) (fav color) backpack with your (f/c) (f/sb) (fav shoe brand), you see your father reading a newspaper in the kitchen counter.

"Hey uhm.. Mr. (l/n)? I was wondering if you could train me..?" "For what?" "I don't know— to be fit and able to defend myself?" You sweatdropped.

"And why would I do that?"
"Because you yourself need to get fit too sir." You deadpanned till you realized what you said and covered your mouth. "WHAT?!?" He snapped
"Yeah? OKAY SEE YOU IN THE GYM THIRTY MINUTES AFTER SCHOOL! BYE!!" You then grabbed a green apple and sped off.

- - -

"HEY DEKU" Bakugo neared his desk "just a quick reminder that you aren't going to attend UA unlike me." He said as he took a hold of his shirt and held him up.

"Hey Bakugo, just a quick reminder that you won't achieve anything at UA with that shitty attitude." You then stopped taking notes and looked him up in the face with a smile

"YOU WANNA KEEP TALKING?!?" He dropped Izuku and turned to you

"Blah blah, yeah yeah, —how you are stronger than me and can blow me to pieces" you mocked him as you took notes again "HEY! DONT IGNORE ME!" He then slammed down his fist on your desk while also activating his quirk on it causing it to have slight burns.

"Uhuh Uhuh. Hey Izuku, you started packing? Cuz I really need to leave, but I don't want to leave you with mr. Katsuki here" you pointed at Bakugo with your thumb "G-going..!"

- - -

"Man! I really admire All might! He's so cool saving people with his signature smile!!" He beamed. "Oh how I hope I could be him!! But without a quirk.." he then deflated "or mayyybe you don't need a quirk to be a hero" you suggested. "You know, it's all about quirks these days. So come on! Lighten up and show the world that you don't need a quirk to be a hero!" You lightly punched his shoulder.

"M-maybe.. but HOW DO I START?!?" He panicked

"I don't know, begin working out??" You suggested. "Good idea??" He turned and faced you "Hey (l/n)? Don't you also want to become a hero??" He asked. "I used to, but I just gave up??" You asked yourself "well— either way it depends" you shrugged.

"Ohhh— anyways you never actually let us meet your parents, why's that?" "Becauuuuuuseeeee why not?" You chuckled "anyways," you turned to him "show the world what you are made of! Anyways, see you tomorrow!!"

- - -

"Twenty push ups, ten squats, and fifty laps??"
"Yep, you don't want a booty that big— trust me." Your father chuckled.

"Now when we both are done with that warm up, we are gonna spar." "SPAR?!? THAT SOON?!?" "Yeah, you gotta start simple"

"THATS SIMPLE??" You were beyond shocked.

"Yeah I usually do one-twenty push ups, still ten squats, and fifty laps??" He questioned himself. "Oh. Okay, yeah. That's— nice??"

"It is. Now come on let's start on the squats"

- - -

"You did... okay" (f/n) (fathers name) said

"In my opinion I did amazing. Why thank you."  You said as you chugged your cold water.

It's been over two hours and thirty-eight minutes since you started to get fit with
mr. (l/n) here. Man, that guy is the definition of a demon.

When you both spared, he either won by kicking your stomach, which caused you to land on your back—, or by also somehow landing on your back. "That was the key" is what he said.

"Quick tip from a pro here; land your opponent on their back, or knock their air out. That will give you the upper hand to either knock them out, fetch some restraints, or loose their energy." He shrugged.

"That's it for today. We get fit tomorrow at the same time; now go to your room, shower, and sleep before your mother breaks bell on you" he winked as he excused you.


(Im really sorry with the slow chapters here, but the next ones will be worth it I swear 😭)

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