𝐂𝐡. 1 : quirkless.

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"Mommy.. when am I getting my quirk?"
A (h/c) (hair color) haired kid asked as she felt her mother run her fingers through their hair gently.

"Soon, honey, soon.."

"Will I then be able to become a strong hero like you and papa?" The (h/c) haired kid asked.

"Of course, you would become as strong as me and your papa combined, giving you a chance of becoming the next symbol of peace like all might. And if that ever happens, me and your papa would become so proud of you since all our sacrifices weren't in vain." The (h/c) haired hero said as she started to hum a tune.

- - -

You were three years old, soon turning four in three days. You couldn't wait to get your quirk! You had many guesses of what your quirk would be!! You could then become as strong as your mama and papa!

During those three long, very, very, boring days, you finally turned four! You sat there at the doctors office, so exited to find out what quirk you had!

"Yeah... your child here is quirkless." The doctor broke down your excitement with intertwined fingers.


"Yeah. Although your parents here have very powerful quirks and all, there still was a 23% chance you would come out quirkless." The doctor said as he brings out X-Ray pictures.

"You see this?" He said as he pointed at the
X-Ray of your wrists "that right there made it possible for you to have a quirkless body."

He then laid back on his rolling chair "don't be disappointed yet though, and uhm.. if you please let me speak with the child.. alone." He said as he began to look back and forth with your momma and papa.

Taking the hint, they both left the office rather hesitant. "Now that they are gone.. I do have some good news to tell ya, kid." He said as he laid his elbow on top of his rolling chairs handles and intertwined his fingers again "there is a 50/50 chance that you might become a late boomer, since your mother and father have.. a powerful quirk."

- - -

Your mother and father couldn't look at you in the face, so the whole ride back home was silent.

Finally arriving at the driveway, your mother began to unbuckle her seat belt and left the car mumbling something rather too loudly for you to hear;

"guess it was all in vain."

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒 MHA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now