𝐂𝐡. 17 : homeroom teacher.

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"Your kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or something? Or were you born with it?" You heard the gruff voice of Bakugo inside your supposed-to-be-classroom.

"Who got a what up their ass now??" You asked with a cocked eyebrow and hands crossed on your chest as you stood on the doorway.

— — —

Today was the first day of UA.

You thought it would be a boring and uninteresting school day, but who knew how wrong you would be.

— — —

"I-I assure you!— I've got nothing up there!" A embarrassed tall, bluish black haired guy with glasses said.

"Either way you should definitely check that out.." You mumbled.

"W-what the.." Midoriya's timid voice was heard beside you. As you turned to him, you noticed that the familiar brown haired girl that you and Midoriya saved on the entrance exam was beside him.

"Glad to know you both passed the entrance exam. Anyways— turns out that that blue haired kid with glasses has a stick up their ass." You mumbled as you pointed at him with your index finger.


"Mmm.. that doesn't sound.. uhm— very sanitary.. you should check that out.." The soft and kind voice of the brown haired girl was heard.

"Yeah.. please go do that, it may affect you!" Midoriya joined in.

You nodded your head, showing approval of their words.

"PFTT— HAHAHA!" Bakugo turned into a fit of laughter. "FOR THE THIRD TIME, I DO NOT HAVE A STICK UP THERE! HE MADE IT UP ON THE SPOT JUST BECAUSE I TOLD HIM TO HAVE HIS FEET DOWN THE DESK!" He said with a embarrassed face while pointing at the ash-blonde haired Bakugo.

"Mmm.. yeah, sure." You nodded as you made your way to a empty seat, which was in behind a seat were girl with long black haired tied into a ponytail, and a peppermint haired boy with heterochromia eyes. Not only that, but was the row you sat at also was next to a window!

[ for those who know the seating chart (which I would be surprised if you did), Yaomomo was supposed to sit there, but since Hagakure ( sadly :< ) isn't in the story, I decided to move Mineta's seat in front of Bakugo. ]

"Ahem.. anyways! let's start all over again, I am Tenya Iida from Somei Private academy!" He cleared his throat and introduced himself.
"Somei Huh?" Bakugo leaned towards him, "So you must think you are better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one."

Iida gasps, "YOU WOULD DARE THREATEN ME?!? YOUR OWN FELLOW CLASSMATE?!?" A-are you sure you even are in the right place??" Bakugo leans backwards, enjoying his panicked state.

"Huh? It's him.." Iida says as he noticed Midoriya, which made the rest of the class turn towards him as well.

"Uh, h-hi." Midoriya stammered as he straightened his back. "Good morning!" Iida yells, marching towards him. "My name is Tenya Iida fro—" "Yeah, I-I know. I'm Midoriya Izuku.. It's super nice to meet you."

"Midoriya. You realized that there was more to the practical exam, didn't you?" Iida said which made you rest your head on your desk, growing tired of somehow being able to hear them talk.

'When will the teacher be here.. it's like.. five minutes since the bell ran..'

As if on cue, a tired voice from outside the doorway was heard, making Izuku and the brown haired girl flinch."If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now" he said.

You raised your head just to see..

A tired man with black hair in a yellow sleeping bag?

"Welcome to UA's hero course." The man said as he stood up, stepping out of the sleeping bag.

"It took you some seconds to shut up.. thats concerning and needs to be worked on. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that." He explains as the rest of the class stared at him with either expressions of shock or surprise.

"Hello, I am Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." Many gasp as the man looks around at the class.

'If he's a teacher.. he certainly would be a hero.. wait— Disen did tell me that he has a sleepy underground hero as a friend.. Eraser head I think.. probably him..' you remembered.

"Right, let's get to it." He pulls something out of his sleeping bag, "Put these on."

'Gym outfits??'

[ + — — — + ]

Y'all I was planning on publishing a new chapter yesterday, but when I was halfway through, the WiFi started to become like McDonald's WiFi which made me panic because I COULDN'T SAVE IT 😭

So.. yeah 🤡



I keep switching from one to another 🤡

Anyways.. I'm planning on writing a new book, but won't publish it until I get a few chapters done ☺️

It's about hsr, if y'all know the game ☺️


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