𝐂𝐡. 15 : stupid green bean.

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So far you've destroyed three zero-pointers and rescued four people. You destroyed two mediums and one small Zero pointers.

Thankfully no one has seen the web shooters, meaning that you hid them well.

Right now.. you were running around in search for more victims. Why? BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS DESTROYING THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.

"Man everyone is hogging the damn zero-pointers.." you mumbled as you ran. "Now I regret not accepting Disens offer.. hecc no why am I saying that— I want to earn what I worked so hard for—" you then saw a small and big Zero-pointers together.

Running there, you shot a web to the nearest thing that could be thrown at them which was;
A dumpster—

Using both hands to hold onto the web, you spin one time, getting enough force to throw the dumpster at both the Zero-pointers.

It destroyed the small one— which was good, IF YOUR HAND DIDNT FEEL LIKE IT WAS GONNA RIP OFF.

It didn't take a long time for the big fella to spot you and attack you, which you panicked as your body moved on its own.

You shot a web at the big Zero-pointer with your left Web shooter and shot a web at a trash can with your right one. You threw the trash Can at the Big Zero-pointer, You hit it on the head successfully, but it didn't make much impact.

"How the fuck am I supposed to defeat this guy??"

The Zero-pointer quickly shot some bullets at you, which you dived into the nearest alley. 'This brings back memories—' you thought as you looked further into the alley. 'First encounter with Disen.. b l e h.'

"Maybe I Can find something sharp on the medium Zero-pointers scraps.. and use it to kill this bitch."

Taking your only plan into action, you made a quick dash towards the big zero-pointer and dodged it, now running as fast as you can to the medium Zero-pointer.

You quickly found a sharp piece of scrap from the medium Zero-pointer. It was a tall but flat piece of metal that the Medium Zero-pointer used as the front hands/legs, so there's two chances that you have. It also has a giant yellow colored two in the middle to tell how much points it's worth.

You quickly shot a web on it and turned around just in time to see the big fella getting ready to shoot bullets. 'OMYGAWD OMYGAWD ITS GOING TO ACTUALLY KILL ME! IF I DIE, I WONT LEAVE THIS PLANET UNTIL I MAKE SURE THAT I SOMEHOW SUE UA!" Using the metal part as a shield, you prayed that the bullets won't go through the metal.


After acknowledging the situation, you forcefully threw your right hand foward, aiming to hit where you believed was the head. Once you threw it, you quickly let go of the button that shoots webs, so it cuts off the web attached to the metal piece.

You missed.


- - -

So not only did you somehow defeat the big Zero-pointer while failing to throw two sharp metal pieces of a medium Zero-pointer, but did you also manage to defeat two medium ones and another big one. (While also rescuing two persons that managed to get stuck under rubble.)

Making your way back to the place were many others were at, only to see many running away or trembling on the spot with wide eyes looking up.

Following their gaze, you saw a oh so familiar boy with green bushy hair up IN THE FUCKING SKY, TRYING TO DEFEAT THE GIANT ZERO-POINTER THAT IS WORTH ZERO POINTS.

You quickly ran near him to see a brown haired girl stuck under some big rubble. "ILL GET YOU RIGHT AFTER I SMACK HIM INTO THE RIGHT MINDSET WOMAN, SPARE ME THE LECTURE" you quickly shouted to her as you aimed your right web shooter and shot a web on Izuku's back, sparing no time to yank him towards you.

"W-WHA—" he yelped. You then quickly shot a web towards the brown haired girl and yanked her towards you. She quickly got up and ran besides me and Izuku. "W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?" He asked you. "ALRIGHT I KNOW YOU WANT TO ACT LIKE A HERO— WE ALL DO, BUT REMEMBER THAT WE ARE TAKING THE PRACTICAL EXAMS RIGHT NOW, AND WE HAVE TO DEFEAT ROBOTS WITH SPECIFIC POINTS, SO TELL ME, HOW MANY IS THAT GIANT FELLA WORTH??"


— — —

Both exams were over now, and you were walking alongside Izuku.

"Please tell me you at least defeated three to four Zero-pointers." "O-only two.." "HUH?! WAIT— you got a quirk?!?" "Well.. y-yeah— WAIT— WHAT ABOUT YOU??? HOW DID YOU GET YOURS?!?" "Uhm.. j-just a late boomer.. YEAH. A late boomer. What about you??" "S-SAME! LATE BOOMER TOO!" He unintentionally yelled. "Oh, we'll that's nice. Hope you made it into UA." "I-I hope too.. I hope you also got into UA too!" "Well see, anyways— gotta split! Cya later Izuku!"


[ + — — — + ]


The music is so loud 😭

I swear it's so loud that I wouldn't be surprised if my eardrums exploded 🤡



𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒 MHA x READERWhere stories live. Discover now