Yukinaru -Reunion- 11

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    I awoke to find myself alone in my bed, *How disappointing, my pet left me to freeze.*
    I feel a familiar presence, jumping up when I here the laughter. I dart down the hall, looking for Kenji, my father.
What I find at the end stops me dead in my tracks. Father is stabbing into Hisoka, pushing a dagger into the side of his ribs, the jester crumbles like a mere rabbit.
    "Consider this a gift." Father booms laughing. I watch Hisoka's surprised expression as he falls to the ground.
     "Father!" I call out and hastily go to bow in front of him.
     "Hello girl!" He looks down at me, my head barely reaching his the middle of his chest.
     "What are you doin to my pet?" I have to remain stoic. *Do not slip up,* I walk towards Hisoka deliberately nonchalantly.
     "What?" He pleas innocently, "I was just saying hi! It's not my fault he wasn't ready." Father shrugs his arms.
    "This is more then a hello. You're so over protective," I kneel beside Hisoka.
     "Lady Yukinaru," Silva interjects "we can treat Hisoka in the family ward located on the property."
     I contemplate the offer, "It is tempting Master Silva, but if he can not survive this, then he will be of no use. Regardless I would like to monitor him. Please move him to my chambers."
     Being around Kenji again puts me on edge. If I'm not careful my pet will die even faster.
    "Very well." Silva summons a maid and they remove Hisoka promptly.
     "So Lord Kenji, why are you here?" I address my father now more appropriately.
     "I heard that you and that one mated recently. Even exchanging blood." Always is straight to the point he is.
     We both sit down, "Silva, will you give me and the girl some privacy so we may discuss business?" He looks at Silva with the look saying that no isn't an option. He instantly nods to Kenji and leaves.
    "Yukinaru you know why I have come. Do we need to play this game?" He glares at me with his bitch black eyes, holding a foreboding aura.
     "It was an unfortunate occurrence but I assure you I'm very much in control and well." I remain emotionless holding the atmosphere still.
     "You are just a young one beginning to take her first steps. Far too inexperienced to be doin such things outside of our territory." Rubbing his temples he looks into my eyes.
     *I must remain stoic* reminding myself as I speak, "Lord, I have not forgotten all my training and education." Deep breath "I am a proud Daughter of the Zarin Clan. And remain loyal to our ways till the end of days." I take a bow, this behavior pleases him most of the time.
     "Good then my business is settled here. However that new pet of yours needs more training..." He trails off.
     He motions his hand in the air and Silva reappears instanly. Kenji whispers into Silva's ear and with that the master of the clan leaves without another word.
     With the head of the family gone and the Zoldyck Manor quiet once, I retreat swiftly to my room. Releasing a breath I didn't know I am holding till I see Hisoka laying motionless.
     I rush to his side, kneeling in a pool of his blood. I can see Hisoka's chest slowly rising and falling, at least he is still alive. I touch his exposed torso by the dagger. The coldness of his skin shocking me, panic trying to cloud my mind.
      "Hisoka, oh you silly Jester. What has Kenji poisoned you with" I carefully remove the slender blade from his side. Bringing it close so I can examin it properly.
     "This is Kenji's personal knife." I start to worry alot more now.
     My demeanor changing instantly, he carved it himself from a talon he took from a black dragon. Those creatures live by draining the life of others. Their claws are able to absorb engery even after removal for some time. Plus the poison still resides in Hisoka's wound.
      "He either hates you alot Jester or he likes you more then you should want." I inspect the puncture closer, trying to identify the poison now.
      A familiar smell starts to swirl up from the fresh blood draining out, "Damn it Hisoka, so much trouble you are!" Turning hurriedly towards my door I shout out for the lurking shadow.
     "Illumi, I need you in her-" Like a typical assassin he is by my side before I even finish.
     "Yes Lady-"
     "Enough of that." I sighed waving away his formality hurriedly. "Do you have a treatment for my family's specialty poison?"
      Illumi looks down at Hisoka, hidden emotions playing behind his mask. "Is he.."
    "Yes, he is still alive hence why I would like the treatment and keep my new pet living. Lord Kenji laced the tip of his dagger. If Hisoka was a normal human he would already be dead, so hurry now."
     I remove the knife from view and let it sink into my shadow. Somethings are just not ment for the human world. I hope Illumi doesn't ask about it later.
     "I'll return at once." Illumi fades away instantly back into the shadows in my room.
     I lean over my half dead pet and poke his cheek, "Hey open your eyes please."
    No response. I turn and pinch his cheek, "Stop ignoring me and open your damn eyes! I'm not gonna beg you if that is what you're waiting for..."
     Clearly that's not working, he truly is on the verge of death. I shouldn't have denied Silva's offer, Hisoka's chance of survival is slim at the very most. Such a foolish jester I swear.
     I retract my hand from his cheek and begin to pace the room. I can only think of one way to save him but I have only ever tried with small pets. Then it hits me. Literally Illumi hits me square in the noggin as if confirming my thought.
     "Jesus shit Illumi stop moving in shadows. Damn that is the same spot Hisoka hit too." I rub my forhead turning back to him.
     Illumi carefully pours the treatment over the wound on the Hisoka's torso. He pulls back after and stands next me. We watch as the color starts to return Hisoka's skin. The wound still bleeds slowly but a look of life flickers on his face.
     To pull my pet to the surface, I drop my barriers, my aura and bloodlust spike stronger then ever. The treatment Illumi used may stop the poison but it won't wake him up. Knowing that he may react to my bloodlust, I continue to let it ooze out uncontrolled.
      "Jester you better open you eyes right now or so help me I'll kill you myself before /he/ gets too!"
     Finally I feel his bloodlust slowly reacting. A new surge spikes through me and I push even harder. Finally I hear a good sign.
     "*Cough cough cough*" He splutters up blood, "I'm awake now Yuki. Stop before you kill me fully ◇~"
     I immediately pull everything back in, relief washing over me. Now that he is at least awake, I can focus on trying to save his spark.
     "Could you tell the everyone I was just healing Hisoka in my own way... and sorry for the sudden wave of.... suffocation" I stumble over the right words.
     Illumi leaves without a word but his relief was clearly felt. I kneel back over my pet and carefully slip my hand behind his back. I slowly help him to sit up, resting up against the bottom of my bed.
     I check over his vitals, knowing that there is only one thing I can do at this point. I feel around the slice gently, his body involuntary twinges.
     "Well the treatment is partially working, at least to nullify the poison. The blade however left a deep puncture and it will not end well. To be frank Hisoka you will die from this." I trail my fingers along the opening, failing to resist the pull of his scent.
     I bring my mouth lower to him and lick the fresh blood from his torso. Savoring the taste, remembering moment we shared. Deciding that I can't lose him yet. Hisoka is just watching me with a playful smirk as pain flickers in his eyes.
     "Oh how I do find this whole situation attractive and quite the arousal, what is exactly happening?" Hisoka is still watching me as move to his side.
    "You were stabbed with Lord Kenji's personal knife. It has a unquie ability to pull out your life force, even if it gets removed it won't stop the blades' effect.. Plus it was laced specialty poison made by my clan. Normally it's only used on the creatures lurking on our home land. We don't even sell it out either. You're lucky you were poisoned here. The Zoldycks would be the only ones to hold the treatment."
     "Truly I must be on death's door, for you to talk so openly for once ◇~" he chuckles softly as more blood trails down his chin. "Still though I can see why Kenji called it a gift. ♡~" Hisoka's breathing starting to stagger, strange emotions rise in me.
    "Letting me feel some of your true strength, power so strong you can awaken the dead. ♧~" The jester leans against me, his skin starting to go cold again.
     "Stupid fool, your life isn't safe yet. His blade is still killing you. It's gonna get even more painful soon.. Next time though if you want to taste the border bewteen life and death let me do it. How dare you be so weak and let Kenji injure you." I say half playful into his ear just for us to hear.
     "It wasn't by choice dear Yukinaru, it is far more painful then I care to admit ♤~" Hisoka's usual mask crumbles finally as another wave of pain flickers in his eyes. Losing his spark quickly, I need to do something fast.
     "Yukinaru is there nothing more you can do to save him?" With such a quiet voice I barely even heard him. Illumi returned so silently I didn't even notice.
     "Illumi you care that much for your partner?" I turn to him surprised by this emotional expression of concern. "Well it is true I could do something more..." What if this only plays into wsnt Kenji wanted..
     "You have my interest little flower" Hisoka can barely whisper at this point, choking on every word he speaks.
     With clear resistance on my face I will do what it takes. "Ilumi leave. Some secrets are not even shared with the Zoldycks."
     Hisoka raises a hand towards my cheeks after Illumi leaves. His pale skin even whiter then before, "Don't fret my flower."
    He coughs alittle more blood tries too sit up, "I'm not as weak as you fear."
    "But Hisoka, you are going to die and return at the same time. You will never be the same after this. Your chance of survival is non existent as you are now." I take a steady breath, "To save you Hisoka, I will have to finish killing you then bring you back with my blood basically. I never done this with a large creature before, let alone a human. I don't know what will happen." I move him back to the floor, and lay his head in my lap.
     "Yukinaru don't you dare continue this pity party ♤~ You are not so weak to be ruled by human emotions." His words hit me like a fist to the face. "Good," is the last thing he says before passing out again.
     "Rest now my pet. I'll take it from here." I take a blade from my thigh and slip in between his ribs.
     Feeling his life leave him by my own hand, I instantly extend my fangs. I bite deep into my wrist, hearing a sharp inhale from the corner, I suck my own blood. Pushing a peeping Illumi from my mind, I focus on saving Hisoka.
     Taking an ample amount of my blood, I bring my lips to his wounds and begin to fill them. Starting with his heart.. Slowly his body starts to respond, then I take more from my wrist. Putting my lips against his, I force Hioka's still body to swallow.
     *For you Jester* I feel his body getting warmer rappidly. I feel my blood flowing down his throat and spread through out him.
     Reigniting his spark along the way. I feel his muscles tensing as all his injuries start to heal as my own source fills his. Even old injuries split open and close once more, scars once bold now even more faded.
     Feeling the tremors tear through him I brace for what usually comes next, I have done this with a few creatures before and at this stage most die. I hold my breath waiting in complete silence.
     His eyes flutter open suddenly, desperately searching for answers as his breathing starts to strain. I can feel the fire that is my life force coursing in his veins now. Fully engulfing him, such an intense connection we share right now. I watch as the last wound on his torso slowly heal, his skin returning to normal, while mine starts to burn and flake.
     One more tremor rocks Hisoka's body, sealing the wound completely now. A wave of relief washes over me seeing his life return, downside is that I now feel the gash opening up on my side.
    Small scraps and slices start decorating my body now inturn. A peaceful expression graces his features as his eye's close once more. I'm grateful that it worked and regretful that I had to do it. I set Hisoka's head down on a pillow and walk away as fast as I can. I run my hands down the side of my dress feeling the tender, warmth of my blood.
    I make it to the balcony before I start to stumble. My wings aching, waiting for the release. I just wanna lay beneath the stars alone. I want to see them as I fall asleep.
     Illumi approaches warily, freezing my escape, "I had to see for myself." He holds a stoic expression as he waits for my response.
    "As I'm in a decent mood, I don't know what you are talking about. We should leave it there." I unfurl my wings, trying hide my current state.
     Feeling the transference nearly complete, I try to usher Illumi out but my arms fail. I turn and push my wings down lifting up over the balcony edge. I make it a few feet before I crumble to the ground.
     My wings bumping into the railing as I fall past it. Fully exhausted, I fall freely and heavily. The last thing I see is a ghostly arm reaching for me just before I hit the ground below.
     "Hisoka," I call out in a shallow tone, "sleep time."

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