Hisoka -Tricky- 61

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     I watch her roll her eyes and a familiar smile grows on her lips. She may be giving off an air that she doesn't care but I can tell she is secretly pleased with all this nonsense. Laughing lightly, I pour us another round.
      Yuki stares down at her glass in her hand, different emotions flashing across her darken, sunken eyes.
       "What do you see in there that is so interesting?" I ask curiously.
       "A version of me I guess," she shrugs and downs the drink instantly.
      "You know, this is ment to be sipped leisurely ♡~" another chuckle escapes me as I refresh her glass once more.
       I take a sip of my own drink and study the emotions flickering in my Flower's eyes. Her hair lacks it shine, her skin dull. My once beautiful flower that held grace now sits wilted and withered under all her facade.
     *This won't do at all ♤~,* "Perhaps it is the real version of you. Truly freed from chains and influences. You have a chance to redefine yourself Flower. Don't you dare weaken on me now♤~" Laughing darkly I empty my glass.
      "You tease too much Jester, but I suppose you are right. I am fine truly, just a bit tired." A deep sigh flows with her words.
      Such lies, clearly she hasn't seen herself. She hasn't had a chance to rest in years, always something happening to her. That luck of hers is truly fascinating, such entertainment she brings.
     "Remind me, how many years has passed since you arrived to the Known World Yuki?" I turn and face her, I will distract her mind for now.
      "I don't know, nearing 7 now?" Shrugging she takes up her glass, "I don't bother keeping track of time. It means very little to me and honestly it shouldn't really matter to you anymore either."
      "How so?♧~" She is still too broken, I need her to talk more.
       I can sense Illumi's presence lurking now in the shadows but I can't stand her like this at all.
      "Silly Jester," her dark laugh is so intoxicating none the less, "Did you forget you already? All be it a few times but still with my intervention in your last death, most likely you won't age anymore at best maybe super slow. Plus with your innate strength you already pocess..." A deep sigh escapes from her lungs what little light she had dimmed.
      "Hmmm I never thought much about it, so don't trouble yourself, after all your life is still mine to take ◇~." I chuckle darkly and continue to address this wilting flower. "I have died a few times, that much is true but never for long sweet Flower ◇~." I laugh even more maniacally remembering my fight with Chrollo.
      "Anything you wanna share?" She looks questioningly up at me.
      "Don't fret, I too wonder off into my mind at times. I have an ability that restarts my heart if it ever stops." I reach and tuck loose strand of hair behind her ear.
      "Tell me Hisoka, what should I do now?" A defeated breath brushes past her lips finally ready to talk, "I have gotten answers to many questions but yet I still have so many new questions now."
     "I don't have the answers but it's normal to wonder about ones existence-"
      "Nothing makes sense at all and how do I even know what memories are mine and what ones aren't? Kaijiru-" She is speaking too fast and flustered.
      Putting a finger to her lips, I stop her and continue to speak. "Tonight is not the time to question anything. Tonight we should celebrate your victory. Yes♧~?"
     "You can be so frustrating sometimes you know." She finally lets a real giggle out and I can feel the shift in her demeanor.
      "That's better ♡~" I poke her nose and raise my glass up, "Cheers?"
     "Well I never say no to whiskey." Yuki raises her glass and clanks it to mine.
    We continue to sit and drink for hours, eventually she stands and starts to walk towards the door. I slowly rise to my feet, I have enjoyed this evening of relaxation but it seems Yuki has other ideas.
     "Where are we off to now♡~?" I weave an arm around her waist and pull myself closer to her.
     "I want to stretch my wings. Care to join me?" She looks up at me and I give devious smile that sends heat to her cheeks.
     "My my Yuki, is that an invitation ♡~?" I laugh lightly against her ear.
      " Keep it up and I will be sure to drop you." Yuki steps forward to a darker spot in the alley by the pub.
      "No need to be so cruel ♡~, I would greatly enjoy a flight with you." I tighten my grip around my Flower as her wings unfurl.
      I watch closely, her eyes now closed with a wide smile across her lips. She seems to be excited to fly this morning ♡~. She pushes up into sky swiftly, and I focus on the feeling of the wind and the shape of clouds as we pass through them.
      Yuki breathes in deeply, seemingly to savor this sensation as well. My flower holds us steady and I turn my gaze onto her.
      "What troubles are you trying to forget Flower?" I coo lofty into her ear.
      "I don't know. I think I was better off not knowing anything." She sighs heavily and pushes forward.
     "Well there isn't much todo about it now. Can't fight who you-"
      "And who exactly am I?" She snaps sharply at me. Cutting me off with her own thoughts, "You are no more knowing then I. The only who seems to know anything is Chrollo and I seriously don't wanna see him right now let alone try to pull straight answers from him. Life was far more simpler till I met that man. His help is going to kill me." Yuki rolls her eyes and changes direction towards the sea.
      "I can understand that, Yuki. Chrollo is many things and he definitely has his own way of doin things ♤~" I chuckles darkly, sending goosebumps down her spine.
      "Hold tight, I'm gonna dive down and land." She looks away from me and tucks her wings in.
      Yuki chuckles lightly as I brace myself this time. It is always entertaining when that moment of uncertainty flashes through me whenever she does a sharp dive. Like a rush I don't get often.
      We come to land on a random little island, unsure of exactly where. I release my hold and watch as she walks along the shoreline. Finding a nice spot at last, she lets herself fall into the sand.
     "Do continue to share your thoughts, Yuki ♧~." I sit just behind her eyeing her curiously.
      "I'm reflecting back on my abilities and it turns out my storm surge is from demonic blood along with my shadow abilities. As for my nen abilities I have that are specialized, I don't know. Only what we found with sparring and obviously my nen roots. I vaguely remember something else." My Flower continues to just look up into the sky.
      "Go on." I encourage.
      "I don't really know how to explain honestly. I don't really know what it is.. I have spent a great deal improving my Ren and greatly mastered Zetsu during my training with the Family here. Plus I have a good mastery over my roots.." She sighs sitting up, stretching her arms behind herself.
      "I am sure you have more to say♧~," I stand up, towering over her now.
      "I want to face Chrollo head on eventually but I am weak Hisoka yet I am tired of being manipulated by him needlessly." She adverts her gaze from me, "I think I need to apply more effort to Hatsu if I really want to defeat Chrollo and work on mastering my abilities.."
      "Wise but you haven't fought since obtaining your lost knowledge ♤~" I move my hand, and rest it on her shoulder, "I am sure you are even stronger now if you try ♧~."
      "You just want to test my strength." She rolls her eyes and stands up facing me, "You still want a true fight with me at my strongest, blah blah fight to the death and all that."
      Rolling my eyes heavily, I chuckle at her foolishness. "Always that ♤~. However your potential seems limitless and that has my interest far more currently." My wicked grin sends chills down her spine.
       "Anyway... I suppose I should return home and plan my phase of training. I'm sure Kil is there too, I have a feeling he is gonna wanna join me." Yuki grabs my hand and pull us both into the shadows excitedly.
     "You are gonna leave me out of this, aren't you Flower ◇~?" I laugh lightly as I look at my Flower's bedroom in the Zoldyck Manor.
      "Indeed. I won't give you the satisfaction of seeing me train." She giggles sweetly and shoves me out the balcony door, "Go on now. Go entertain yourself for awhile."
      "This is so not fair! ♡~" I call out as her shadow starts to swallow me already.
     "Have fun wherever you land and eat food for me too! Also catch!" She giggles, tossing me a little black vile.
       As I catch it, Yorknew city landscape appears before me. I will never get use to that, always a beautiful experience each time. Already knowing what the vile is, I slip it away and begin my walk. I pull out my phone, Ilumi on speed dial. Before the first ring even happens, his voice speaks.
       "Perhaps, what do I get in return ♡~?" I tease him lightly already knowing the answer.
     "Speak Hisoka." Such a firm tone he has.
       "You know, you could be a little nicer to me Lummii ♡~." I laugh, "Regardless I thought you would like to know. Little Killua is with Yukinaru now. They are headed off to train somewhere fun ◇~" I can feel someone lurking close by in the shadows, best to put up an act for now.
      "Where Hisoka?" Too demanding for my taste at the moment.
      "I don't know or else I be there too ♤~. She has grown so much since the last time I seen her. Such a new glow to her now. Something so becoming ♡~."
     "Good bye Hisoka. See you soon then." Good, he picked up on it.
     "Well it appears I am in Yorknew. I suppose she will be expecting me to be ready for her arrival.. odd thought pattern I have sometimes ♧~." I talk outloud baiting.
      "It is a common occurrence when it comes to that being. I assume the she is Naru then?" A familiar voice finally speaks.
     "Chrollo, what a coincidence." I chuckle.
      "It seems she always just knows doesn't she?" His question unsettles me briefly.
      "Or perhaps your predictions give you more insight on where to be then you let on◇~."
      We continue to my usual spot in silence. His gaze is far off into a distance I can't see with my eyes. Chrollo the man who killed me. A shiver runs through me as we enter the hotel suite.
      "Such choas remains a mystery to even you ♤~?" I coo interestingly, finally breaking the silence.
      "All the more reason I need more. More power and knowledge. Such a creature as herself is truly a once in a lifetime event." His dark demeanor is nearly irresistible, "Now that her ties to the beastly creatures such as the Zarins is broken. All that's really left to deal wit-"
      "How long do you think you have before your tricks are exposed ♧~? Surely she will want answers ♤~. And that whole ruse of yours with the Zarin-"
      "It will last as long as I need it too. And as for what you call tricks will suffice for now. All will remain as is. For now-"
     "Speak no more. You know enough."
      "You do know she will always choose me ♤~. She is bound to me by blood, sad how she doesn't fully understandher ownself." I know this will catch his attention.
      "Explain?" He watches me intensely as I walk out to the balcony to take a seat.
      I motion him to join and he walks out and continues, "She may have saved you but don't think she won't kill you either. We both stand to lose alot if I fail Hisoka."
      "Such a threat dear Chrollo ♡~. She would kill others first before myself anyway ♤~." I gaze upwards to the moon and my thoughts drift to her, "This is her favorite spot. Tell me do you know why the moon is so important in her world?"
      "From what I can figure out from visiting parts of the Dark Continent, she is a creature of darkness that was blessed with life from an ancient entity that resides beyond the world now." Chrollo sits against the wall and leans his arm on the railing.
      "Still full of mysteries. Why are you truly interested in Yukinaru?" I chance a glance towards him curiously.
      "Call it a whim but I think she holds answers to whats beyond the dark continent." Chrollo looks at me intently now as he continues, "Explain this curse you mentioned. I am sure there is more."
      So easy to control, such intelligence like no other. "Merely something I have observed." I pull my deck out, needing to think carefully.
      "Such as?" I feel his annoyance starting to radiate.
      "Thus far she has only shared blood with us 3," motioning at the lurking shadow in the room. "She claims it ties us to her and treats us as /pets/♤~." I flick a card, starting my pile.
      "I know this. I felt it but at some point it faded." Chrollo pulls a book and starts writing, "I experimented with taking different amounts at various times."
      "What if the rules change pending the amount ♤~?" I glance up at Chrollo, his eyes hold realization.
      "She seems unaware that her blood gives access to her natural abilities. The more one takes the more power they can basically borrow so to say." Illumi steps and stands in the balcony doorway.
      "Then that explains how she summoned Chrollo that night instantly and yet hasn't done so since." I speak openly to no one in particular.
      "However, if the Zarins' really knew what she was why didn't they just use her blood? Why were they so obsessed with offspring?" Chrollo interjected.
      "Perhaps it's because they are merely beast with near human appearances." I shrug my arms. "To be perfectly honest she has tamed us ◇~."
      "What gives you that impression?" Illumi questions darkly.
       "We are natural enemies the lot of us. Each in it for their own reasons yet incapable of truly killing one another now ♤~." I chuckle and look at them both as they see it too.
      "There isn't enough information." He snaps his book, clearly motivated now, "I need to speak with her."
      "Are you so sure she won't just attack you on sight ◇~?" I chuckle, holding my side, "You drugged her and bailed."
    "It was to help her and she will return because she is my wings." Chrollo, poor thing so confused.
      "You are full of yourself, you know that♤♡~." I laugh and flick a card towards him, "Compared to you, I am a Saint of a soul. At least I never bluntly lied."
      Catching my card he continues "Regardless, it's too late to turn back." Stepping onto the ledge he continues, "The next phase begins soon."
      Launching the card at Illumi before finally disappearing, "Hisoka." His tone carries alot of questions.
       "Do not worry, everything is under control ♤~." I smile and catch my card as he flicks it back.
      "Where is she now then exactly?" Illumi asks stepping closer to the balcony rails.
      "Well I do have this ♡~." I take the vial out and toss it over to him.
"I don't need it to know where she is going ♤~." I flick a few more cards down excitingly.
      Illumi catches it swiftly and tucks it away, looking back at me waiting for his answer.
      "Well if I am correct she should be in her room by now. It feels as though she is exhausted♡~."
      I chuckle focusing on her presence, I have practiced hard learning this. Whatever she was up too before caused her to return in a marvelous state of beauty.
      "Then I shall return too. Surely she seeks a job." He turns melding back into his shadows.
      At least he knows me enough not to ask too many questions. I collect my cards up and settle on the bed. Soon she will come to me, I know she will ♤♡~.

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