Hisoka -Curious- 66

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     I watch from the corner of my eye as she flops on the bed, her wings closing in on her. She must be flustered if she is hiding in her own wings. I shuffle my cards back and rise, wanting to walk over to her.
     "Magician head to Master's target and make ready for her arrival." Haiji snaps an attitude and I don't like it.
     "Listen kitty cat ♤~, I do as I please-" the floor disappears under me before I could finish.
     "Be ready Magician." I hear her laugher behind him.
     "Such a dirty trick Flower♡~" I shout up as the Bayloke Hotel appears in front of me. That cat is gonna get a beating one of these days, he tests my tolerance.
     "You've kept me waiting Hisoka." Illumi steps around the corner, eyeing my state.
     "You are lucky I am not later." I chuckle and make my way into the hotel.
     "You know for a cold emotionless assassin you do sure seem to baby sit Yuki alot ♤~" I nod to the hostess and walk past to the elevators.
     "She is a powerful weapon and can not be allowed to be taken." He steps in behind me and glares from the corner.
     "You are angry cause you can't control her like you could with Killua ◇~." I laugh maniacally as I see a slight nerve twitch, "Poor Illummi♡~."
     "Watch what you say Hisoka. You are only alive right now because it serves me." Illumi pushes past me, his mood slightly darker then normal.
     I can only assume it's because of Chrollo. He obviously feels a type away that his asset is wildly unpredictable.
     "I saw her before arriving here. She seems well enough. I have much to discuss with you ♤~." I open the door and motion Illumi to go in.
     "Then let us go straight to the point." His stoic facade takes hold and he sits at the table and crosses his legs.
     "Chrollo and Renji both have made contact. I am nearly sure they are working together ♤~."
     "One thing at a time, first I wanna know how your mission went. Did you find what I am paying you to find?" I chuckle and sit across from him expectantly.
     "Indeed. It is at the designated drop spot. Now proceed with your payment." He looks at me with an air of annoyance, he must have somewhere to be after this.
     I proceed to recount what happened bewteen Renji and Chrollo at the cabin and the state Yukinaru was in when I arrived.
     "Further investigation must be done. Continue your surveillance and wait for me to contact you." Illumi stands and walks into the shadows, disappearing instantly.
     The sun is starting to set, my little flower should be coming soon. I look to the ground and see Haiji's faint outline laying down. I wish I could do something to keep him from doin that. It is not helpful to have her little spy so easily to access me.
     "Haiji just get out here. Its been hours since you appeared." I roll my eyes and continue to wait in the hotel room.
     "Master is coming." He ripples out from under my feet and steps closer to the balcony.
     Watching her materialize next him is still extordinary so fast yet so slow. Her hair is always the first thing I see. The contrast is so overwhelming.
     "Why isn't that the outfit ◇~. You will most certainly blend in and stand out at the same time ♡~." I take in her full appearance as she walks out onto the balcony.
     A sleeveless blood red dress hugs her figure well. It pulls together around her waist forming a messy bow or sorts at her side. Tapers nicely around her mid thigh, adding to the appeal of her leggings.
     "Are you going to continue to stare ate me like a starved hound or come over here and join me?" Her giggles reach my ears causing me to look up ate her face.
     "Just admiring my flower Yuki♡~." I step towards her, "You wear that well."
     "I know, that's why I picked it." She turns to look out into the city, her back facing me.
     "Oh and it is even backless, how convenient for wings♡~." I laugh lightly and step up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.
     "Are we ready to set off on this little adventure? I would like to enjoy a few drinks before I start my assignment."
     I watch the way her lips move, exposing her fangs. A few memories flicker your mind causing me to smile. I take in the way the wind plays with her hair and makes the edges of the dress flutter. I do not care for this adventure already, she is far too appealing to the male eyes.
     "You are staring off into space again." She rolls her eyes and takes me by the wrist pulling me with her.
"I may end up killing someone tonight ♤~." I follow behind her willingly.
     "If you do, I'm not helping you clean up the mess." I listen to her maniacal laugh as the elevator door closes behind us.
     I lead her the rest of the way in silence, glancing behind me every now and again. She has a lost look in here eyes. Clearly deep in thought or conversing with Haiji perhaps.
     Soon we come to the little side alley that leads off of treet #7. I look for the 3rd door on the left that leads us to the next alley by the red light district.
     "Ah here it is flower." I knock twice and the door opens, I slip the door manger his fee and he walks us to the entrance.
     The first thing she seems to have noticed as we walk out past the door watcher is the smell. Yuki's nose crinkles as she breathes in the blood, sweat, smoke. She momentarily pause as her senses try to settle down from being blasted all at once.
     I tighten my hold as her body wavers briefly, "Flower♡~? After all your training, you still get surprised by things." I laugh lightly to reassure her.
     "Well I wasn't expecting to see naked females and be assaulted by disgusting smells all blended together." She rolls her eyes in disgust as we step over a drunken man and his lover.
     "I do not visit this area often myself. It is very much a pitiful place." I continue to chuckle at her clear displeasure.
     As we proceed down the alley, there ain't much distinction between all the buildings. The shops windowless with light up signs and crowds of people up against the buildings.
     Drunks collapsed in the gutter with a smell of cheap liquor on their breath. I notice many battered and strung out prostitutes mixed in with the guys. Haze and smoke hangs thick in the air Completely blocking out the sky above.
     "Are we almost there?" She questions me while kicking a drunkard's arm off her leg.
     I notice the man grabbing at her trying to form words. I roll my eyes and go to yank my Flower away from the filth, planting a foot to his face in the process. I watch as passer-bys pay zero attention to what just happend, like its an every day occurrence. Truly this is a vile place of humanity, I spit at the bleeding man and turn.
     "I'm done with this." Yuki motions me to put out my arms, "Carry me. Having to kill every drunk that grabs me will slow us down." She giggles and hops up knowing full well I won't complain.
     Yuki closes her eyes and rest her head against my chest as we continue down alley way of the red light district. Soon I stop walking and stand in front of a soild black door and a rickety sign of the Weeping Tavern.
     I set her down and reach for the door, "After you my sweet. You'll find this place much more to your liking." I bow slightly as she walks past me.
     First section of the Tavern is very typical of what I would expect a strip lounge to look like. Its a large room with a stage up against the back wall and red velvet couches placed in rows face the stage.
     There are dancers barely dress showing off their tastless moves or drinking men in suits. Cigar smoke hangs above them with idle prattle drowning out the music.
     I point towards the bar along the left wall and wrap an arm around Yuki,s waist. "Come this way my dear♡~"
     "Welcome little lady. Don't you look exquisite." The bar keep smiles darkly, a sinister thought evident in his eyes..
     "If you wish to keep you eye sight I suggest you lose those naughty thoughts." I grin wickedly and star him down, my bloodlust putting him in check real quick.
     "Give us two blacken whiskey shots on the rocks."
     "Right...away.. sir." The man stumbles over his words as he looks away from me finally.
     "Isn't this a charming place," She snickers as she continues to glance around. "It seems to be a fairly popular spot with the more sophisticated trash."
     "This also happens to be a favorite spot of certain spiders too it seems." I tilt my towards the right end corner.
     She follows my gaze and sure enough there is indeed a spider lurking in back corner with an unseen figure.
     "I don't care what this little Troupe are doing." My Flower adverts her gaze and looks around as more people walk in.
     I watch her closely as many males glance at her, all carry the same lustful thoughts written on their faces. I finish my first drink and set it down.
     "If you keep staring at me like that I will pluck your eye balls out." She turns and flicks my nose.
     "I fear your outfit will work to well to catch your rabbit♤.~"
     "Don't be jealous now. It's bad enough with Haiji." Yuki chuckles lightly and motions the bar man for another round.
     As she reaches to take her drink, a slinky arm reaches out and touche my Flower. Enraged I jump up, yanking the man up by his throat.
     "You dare to try and touch me?" She laughs twistedly, "Hisoka dispose of this garbage."
     In an instant the man crumbles to the ground, blood boiling from his neck. "No one touches her unless I say so ♤~" I smile coldly, dropping his corpse to the ground.
     The bar keep gets up and removes the body from the establishment and as he returns Yuki's target walks in at the same time with a group of his lackies. I watch her as she smiles gently. The don's eyes focus on her, she glances down and let a blush creep up.
     Slowly the Don walks over to us, his entourage people trailing behind, "I haven't seen you around here before."
     Yuki grits her teeth and smiles, "Not surprising, I am new to the area." Her giggle is sickeningly cute.
     "Oh? Well if that's the case why don't you let me show you around?" He chuckles and takes the seat next to her.
     "You seem too busy at the moment." I tilt my head to the group of people who clearly seem done with all this. "Your friends don't seem to happy."
     He looks over at me and then shoos them away hastily, "See that, now I'm not busy." His greedy eyes look my Flower up and down once more, and then to her empty glass, "Care for another?" He turns quickly, "Arn, get us both a drink of the best quality."
     Arn, the bar keep looks from him and to me with clear trepidation, "Right away boss."
     Not wanting to hinder her, I stand and walk over to the corner where Chrollo sits and leans back in a chair. My gaze locked on her none the less and my bloodlust is starting to ooze. I watch closely as the don trails his hand up her thigh.
     "So what brings a lady with such class to my humble little pub?" The don continues to fondle her thigh as he speaks.
     "Why, I heard a strong man here could help me with alittle issue." Yuki takes another sip of whiskey and looks at the don earnestly.
     "What trouble could a beautiful girl like you have?" He leans in closer.
     "Let us enjoy a drink before business?" She tips the glass up and nods, the atmosphere instantly feeling lighter.
     "Why of course of course. May I ask your name?" He chuckles and reaches for her free hand.
     "My name doesn't matter, call me as you wish." She laughs darkly and crosses her legs leaning back on the bar, "Perhaps we can talk elsewhere? Somewhere more private?"
     My eyes are glued on her, a mild sense of joy rushes through me as I take in her appearance. Ever so intoxicating, sweet satisfaction laces my grin knowing she keeps me near willingly unlike others.
     The way she so casual seduces a lesser man is annoyingly attractive as well. I watch as she moves, each curve of her figure eloquently pounced by her dress. I watch as the don brushes her calf as she leans in eved closer to him.
     I watch his expression change as her scent finally reaches him. My bloodlust spikes and I find myself slowly rising, "I will kill the don myself, never mind letting her play this game."
     She stands and tosses an alluring glance towards me. Unsure if it was ment as a warning or a dare, I chuckle and continue to stand. The don snakes his arm around her waist, pulling her away from me.
     I hear her fake laughter as they proceed to a door at the back of the building. I start to move but Chrollo's hidden hand reaches out stopping me.
     "Before you make a muck sit and wait. I share your aversion to this frolic behavior but..." He moves alittle shedding light on his exhausted figure.
     "My, my. Seems you have had a grand time ◇~" I chuckle lightly at his expression.
     "Truly the lands beyond are not ment for men." Chrollo's deep sigh sends a wave of uneasiness through me.
     "What are you implying dear Chrollo?"
     "I know you enough to know that's not true ♤~" I sit back down and face him, "Tell me."
     "It seems the knowledge we have of the world is barely a fraction of the world." He slumps back heavily in the chair.
     "Continue." Rolling my eyes, I start to thump the table with my finger..
     "Tell me Hisoka, has it ever occurred to you that there is something beyond the Dark Continent?"
     I freeze and turn to face him, the look in his eyes tells me he is serious. "Well I never even paid much mind to any of it. I find watching life and judging creatures are far more fun then exploring." I watch as he stands up next to me.
     "As expected. There is unknown power for the taking and no one has yet to try." His dark laughter echos nearly sliently, "I will succeed where no one else dares try." He walks past me heading straight towards the door now.
     "I must talk with her. Stay here-"
     "You are no one to order me." I stand up and together we burst into what I can only describe as glorious chaos.
     Standing in the center of the back office is a blood covered Yukinaru, her dress torn in patches. Half of her body exposed to the night air speckled with blood is appealing but a grumpy Illumi ranting off on her ruins the moment.
     "You know it is unprofessional-" Illumi holds a firm tone, his expression blank however.
     "Unprofessional!! You. Want. To. Talk. Unprofessional?! You barging in here and exploding my prey, ruining my beautiful dress cause of what? Your twisted logic and broken-" She pauses and turns to us as the door slams shut.
     I grin maniacally, fighting back the laughter building up. I look to see Chrollo at a loss for words himself. We both just stand taking in the scene.
     "Oh my godddd......What do you two want?" She snorts out dropping her arms from the air. I watch as she blows up a strand of hair out of her face, puckering her lips with flustered groans.
     "I am merely a spectator at the moment but flower," I walk over to her and lift up the strap of her dress, "You may want to cover yourself a bit♡~"
     She slaps my hand away but pulls me to her side thoughtlessly as she turns to Chrollo with venom in her tone, "And you! The nerve to be lurking around as well! Haven't you gotten enough from me already?"
     She steps closer waving a finger towards him now, "It's bad enough to be connected to you once more as it is!" She rolls her eyes, her grip on my wrist tightening.
     "We need to speak-" Chrollo tries to speak but my little flower is not having it.
     "Absolutely not-"
     "Yukinaru we aren't done yet." Illumi speaks up, boldly stepping into her line of sight.
     "We are so done Illumi, go home!!" She shouts at him trying to push him aside to see Chrollo.
     Illumi pushes her backwards sending her stumbling into me hard and I feel the atmosphere instantly drop as her sking begins to burn. My excitement bubbles as her aura radiates into me.

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