Yukinaru -Fight- 36

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     The arena match has been going for two hours now an I am still in soild condition. I have left slices across his body, his clothes quickly stained red. I can hear his staggered breathing, his rapid heart beat singing the song of resolve.
    He sprints forward and I let him land a blow to my side, before he can pull back I take hold of his hand and yank him down into my knee. We keep exchanging blows, my excitement building. He launches another assault aiming for my face.
      *He has a quick first step I give him that.*
      I flip backwards landing on a line of bungee gum. I keep my eyes on my battered opponent, watching as he tries to find me.
     *Silly man. Didn't think I had anything else up my sleeve did ya.*
      I have a few scrapes but I have done well to keep him from drawing blood. Plus I wish not to get another instant kill and holding back has been a fun challenge.
     I watch as his eye's finally find me then I vanish once more. This time I appear by his side and land a blow to his torso.
      "Critical hit, Yuki. 2 points." The judge breaks the deafening silence and the crowd erupts.
      "With that hit, Yuki is at 8 points and Tinzu at 4. This fight is heating up folks!!!" The announcer booms loudly.
      I watch as he rights him self up and focus nen into his arms. Taking on an attacking stance, his green aura making me think of a snake.
       To defeat a snake properly remove the head, I dig my feet into the ground building as much pressure as I can. Sharpening my nails, I ready myself for release.
     *Wait for it* he starts to sprint forward
     *Wait for it* I can see the sweat dripping from his chin
      *Wait for it* the white of his eyes becoming clearer.
      I flick forward in an instant and whip my hand across his throat. I land lightly a few feet to his side and sling the filth from my nails. I watch as he struggles to stop the blood desperately just as my first opponent had. It oozes between his fingers giving off such a disgusting, pungent smell.
      Our eyes meet one last time, mine filled with digust and boredom, his fear and rage. I conceal my aura and blow him a wicked kiss as he collapses.
      "Critical hit, Yuki. 2 points! Match Yuki."
      "That is it folks! Yuki's finishing move!!! This makes two wins for our mystery lady!!!" The crowd goes wild and I duck out covering my ears.
      "Excellent work though drawn out, why?" Hisoka leans against the entrance door for fighters.
      "I wanted to practice a few random ideas. I didn't maim him too bad and as all good hunters do, I ended him swiftly. He will bleed out before they can heal him."
      I cross my arms and give a pointed look, "However long I choose to draw out my battles is my choice. I feel as though I'm playing with dolls out there." I roll my eyes and head to the reception desk.
      "Welcome Yuki. Another clean win. Well done. That brings you up to 2. You need 8 more to pass to floor 200. When would you like to schedule the next match?"
      "3 weeks from now," Hisoka chimes in and steps in front of me. "A night match preferably."
      "Understood. The next fight will be 3 weeks from now at 9pm. Opponent will be Haiku Ouni. Best of luck."
      The shutter falls and Hisoka escorts me outside. We end up at the city border, making our way for my little hut. I truly enjoy it out here much more then the tower, I start to run up ahead as I see it come into view.
      The fire pit seems to be intact too, I motion my pet to start it while I check out the inside. I look over my food supplies empty and my seasons dusty.
       My rock chair is still where I left it, "The moss I use as a cushion looks like hair now." I look over to where my bed should be...
      "CHROLLO!" I shout angrily, "Haiji!" I have never seen Haiji evaporate so fast before. I walk over to Hisoka and grumble.
     "What's the matter Yuki? You seem so angry?" He coos awkwardly at me as he hands me a bird.
     "Why did you give me a bird?" I look at him, thrown off for a minute.
       "You are here to eat wild. I got this flying over while you where yelling Chrollo." Hisoka seems bored.
       "Well first off, a bird really Hisoka? And more importantly, Chrollo has my bed! I worked hard on that and it is made of my own feathers!" I continue complain. "I will get my foxbear bed back."
      I kick at the ground before sitting next to the fire, "Besides I happen to miss him a bit."
        "And I missed you as well darling Naru." Chrollos appears and does a deep bow before me. "/Hisoka/, you did well staying for so long. You usually venture off after awhile." Chrollo shoots him a sharp nod as he walks towards me.
      "Chrollo! My bed if you wouldn't mind." I stand and put my hands on my hips. "You can't keep it forever, it is still mine."
      Chrollo chuckles as he closes the distance, just to stop in front of me. "I truly have missed your presence Naru, and I have heard much has happened since we departed."
      "Don't try and distract me, I am still annoyed by how you used me yet again." I back up and bump into Hisoka.
       He leans over me and wraps his arms around me, "Yes Chrollo, don't distract her."
      "Hisoka! Put me down. This is serious." I fail in his arms like a stuck fish.
       I hear Chrollo break out laughing. "Oh how I have missed your expressions, far more enjoyable now." Chrollo turns and motions towards the hut.
       I try to get out from Hisoka's embrace but I can't budge an inch. He carries me like a bride through the curtain Chrollo holds open.
       "You can set me down now Jester." I slap my hand against his chest.
     I hear Chrollo laughing even harder now. He sits on the newly appeared bed motioning Hisoka to set me down.
      "Well if you are here now. I will be going for a bit as I do have something I need to see too." Hisoka turns and leaves without a another word.
      "Typical." I wave my hand behind him and shake my head, "I am really starting to question my training abilities. What pet leaves their master like that? I swear I have my hands full." I roll my eyes and fall backwards on the bed.
      "Darling you do know that wasn't Hisoka right?" Chrollo starts to chuckle, "That was Illumi."
      "That would explain so much!" I burst out laughing, "Oh dear, poor Illumi. No wonder my pet seemed different this morning."
       "What happened Naru?" Chrollos ask curiously.
       "I have been treating Illumi the same way I would treat Hisoka." I roll off the bed laughing at how torturous it must have been for him.
      "I bet it was quite entertaining. Sorry I missed it." Chrollo sits up "I don't have long though" He opens his coat and Haiji slips out.
      "Wait, where is Hisoka?" I ask looking to him.
       "Who knows. You should take the contract that Silva offered. Be sure to head straight there." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and disappears before I have a chance to say anything.
      "Well what if I don't want too! Haiji, can you believe the nerve of that guy!" I roll my eyes to my kitty, "Do you have any idea what happened just now?"
He shakes his head and jumps on my shoulder. I chuckle, "Some how we ended up completely alone."
       I move to the fire and toss some wood into it, watching the sparks rise high.
       "It has been awhile since I was honestly alone. I don't think I have spent one night here without some sort of shadow.." I continue to gaze up at the sky looking for some unspoken words to guide me.
      Haiji pulls me from my thoughts, rubbing his face against mine. His purrs vibrating his body, "What do you think we should do?"
      Stretching, he yawns then flaps his little black wings excitedly. "I would like to sleep curled in my wings now that they have soured my mood. I think the safest spot would have to be the mountain anyway." I stand and burry the fire.
       "Alright then, I need to be in that area and speak with Silva as well." I stretch my wings as Haiji takes his usual stance. I jump up even higher then before, nearly clearing the clouds. I let my wings catch the wind gently as I fly towards my new home.
       "Come on, you can't keep riding on my shoulder. We need to train you up little kitten." I encourage him as he keeps pace with me.
      I lost track of time soaring in the clouds, Haiji moving his wings in tune with mine. All too soon I feel the familiar aura getting stronger. I reach and pull Haiji into my arms to drop rapidly.
      Just before hitting the ground I slowed myself, touching gently. I have come to a new part of Kukuroo Mountain. It seems to be heavier in the shadows, giving it more appeal to my tired self.
      I send Haiji ahead to scout for a water source as I slowly trail through the woods. Everything is hidden in shadows, I can't even see the sky through the thicken trees. I can already sense Haiji coming back towards me now.
      "You find a good spot?"
      He flits about excitingly then ushers me forward. He found a lovely river and a large tree overhanging it, its leaves making a prefect bed over the water.
     "Good spot indeed. Come along now." I fly up on to a welcoming nest.
      Stretching out my wing I curl up on it and motion Haiji to crawl into my side. Once settled, I wrap them both tightly around us and sleep to the sounds of water flowing.
      It wasn't long sleep sadly, something steps onto my roots, waking me from the middle of my dreams. I sit up slowly stretching out my wings.
      Haiji made his way into my shadow as I jumped into the river. I drink the cool liquid and take in the sights. Trying to sense the ping. My tummy making rumbles as the scent of a rabbit enters my noise. I tuck my wings away and follow the alluring trail into the woods.
       I don't think anyone employed by the Family should be over here. This whole area is empty of any other human scent.
      "Time to hunt Haiji, stay on guard." I slowly appoarch from the trees above.
     The scent getting stronger and I spot the shadow under me. The rabbit concealing himself nearly perfectly in the shade. My instincts go on high alert, this person is not supposed to be here most certainly. They are filled with malicious intentions, I steady myself watching as they look around.
       They seem to be trying to figure out which way to go from here.
     "Haiji stay in their shadow, I gonna fly up real quick."
     I rise above the tree lines and try to see if anything is near here. With nothing to aid me visually I land back into the tree. The figure pulls out a dagger and starts to beeline left, with more intent.
      Sensing he may have found a target I launch my assault. I leap immediately down on him, pinning him beneath me. My thirst over powering, I bite in to his neck and feast on a fresh rabbit. As a hungry hunter even a rabbit can be tolerated. I feel him struggling hard, his nen starts to engulf him.
      "Now now," I pull back wiping his blood from my mouth, "Be a good meal and stay still." I release my concealment and crush him beneath my presence.
       Blood spurts from his mouth as his struggle stops. He takes gasping breathes, wasting more with each exhale.
      "Time to end this." I snap his neck and drink what was left.
      I feel a familiar presence closing in quick but I'm not done yet. This is my kill, he won't take it. My bloodlust surges as a silent warning, feeling him getting closer to me. His enjoyment from this scene emanates and is strongly contrasting to mine.
        "I knew a hunter was coming," Killua walks closer and a growl slips from my throat, "but I didn't think it was gonna be you."
       I pull away, and wipe the blood from my lips, "Honestly, doesn't taste that good anyway." I let go of the dead intruder. "Sorry for growling at ya. I was hungry and some habits never change." I giggle and stretch out my wings once more.
       Haiji goes and jumps on Killua, "Is this your cat!" He pets him gently, "So cool!"
       "His name is Haiji, he is a batcy cat, a shadow creature from home." I explain as Killua starts to play with him. "We were training his flying skills on the way over. He needs to improve, he is still just a kitten after all."
       I laugh and lay on the ground, looking at the shapes hidden in shadows against the tree leaves. I stretch out my wings on the ground and watch the flames of curiosity burn in my adopted brother's eyes.
       "You want to feel them yes?" I giggle and and motion him to take his shoes off, "Crawl up the side here and you can lay on the left one, my right one is still pretty sore."
      He climbs up instantly and rolled to the center. His tiny body fitting perfectly nestled.
      "Whoa, so soft! I could totally go to sleep right now." He yawns looking up into the trees.
        "Sweet, me too." I adjust myself as Killua rolls closer too me. My wings slowly encapsulates us, "It is far safer and cozier to sleep curled in feathers." I yawn and close my eyes.
      "Good night Yuki." Killua mumbles.
      "You too brother." I soon dift off to sleep hugging Haiji with my arms, and Killua with my wings.
      I was finally able to dift to sleep as well but once again something stepped into range, a ping startling me awake. I poke Killua getting his attention,
      "When I lift my wing, dart straight into the tree and hide. Something is coming and I don't know what precisely yet." I motion Haiji to stay with Killua.
      Instanly I'm on my feet, Higiroshi already drifting to the surface. When I can't sense the threat level then it is a dangerous opponent. The pings are getting closer. I ready myself, feeling Killua completely hidden above me. Both of us tense and ready.
     "Yuki, Silva sent me to bring you to the manor. He does not wish for you to sleep so far from home again." Illumi's voice echos from deep within the darkness.
      "Well if she is going I am too," Killua jumps down and hurries to my side. He sends death glares at Illumi, "I can walk with her. We don't need you here." Kil rolls his eyes and takes my hand dashing away. "Illumi is right to keep you on edge Yuki. He can be scary sometimes."
      "He keeps me on edge, but if it came down to it. I will fight to protect my kid brother. That's a promise." I smile and turn to him, "You are under my wing now. I will always come if you call."
       "You are so stupid." He blushes and runs alittle away along, "Hurry up slow poke!"
      "Oh? You wanna see slow?" I bolt forward, passing him instanly. "Catch me if you can!" I push even faster. All my training is paying off already. I hit the court yard first.
      "HA! Who is the slowpoke now" I giggle sticking my tongue out at him as he walks up behind me.
      "Welcome home Children." Silva stands at the back door, "Up to mischief once more?" He looks questioningly.
       "I went to dispatch the intruder and found my big sister." Kil laughs, "She said he was nothing but a rabbit."
      "I may have enjoyed the hunt this time but I am more selective normally." I shrug indifferently.
       "Yaaa, but you still growled." He sticks his tongue out this time.
      *That little tattle tale! Still too adorable though*
      "I was just starving and human blood is exciting cause it is always unquie to the individual. I have been doin well though. I use to drink once a day but I been goin a few days at a time now." I look to the ground, I haven't really told them yet.
      "Yuki, we helped raise you. We know you enjoy hunting and you shouldn't wait so long before eating properly." Silva rubs the top of my head, "It is normal to eat when hungry right? No reason to hold back."
       "Can we go now? We are tired." Killua takes my hand and pulls us away once more.
      He takes me to the edge of the garden away from the house. "Don't you wanna go to bed?" I question.
       "Well I figured if you wanted to sleep in the room you would have came straight home." He kicks a rock and it embeds into a near by tree.
     "Very thoughtful and we are next to the house. Even better, we can seen the moon now. Come let's sleep." I lay and stretch out my wing.
      Killua crawls in and takes his new favorite spot. I can feel Silva watching intently but I wasn't gonna say no to Killua. I wrap my right wing tightly over us, sleeping on my bed of roots. I listen to Killua's soft breaths still aware of a few watching eyes.
       I increase what nen I can muster into my wings, creating a soild shield. I hear Silva chuckle satisfied with my display. He turns to leave and the other set of eyes disappear.
      "Yuki?" Killua breaks the silence.
      "Go to sleep, your bloodlust is leaking. You are too tired." He chuckles and snuggles into my feathers.
      I am lucky to have chance to be a big sister to someone similar to me. I have grown attached so quickly, the human world is definitely softening me to a degree. I roll my eyes at myself and drift off to sleep.

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