Yukinaru -Surface- 29

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    It's absolutely stunning! We are in a cavern and the walls are alight with thousands of crystals. I lay lost in the sheer beauty. I get up and walk along the edges of the cave and feel them beneath my fingers.
     Deep shades of varying colors, some smooth others rough. A few have warmth to the skin while most are cold as ice. They glow bright lighting up the darkness. I look around more and see simple bedroom furniture scattered about. A pile of books staked neatly against a dresser.
     Some shelves house books that appear ancient and worn. A glass cabinet is decorated with tiny objects giving off different feeling auras. Between the shelves a desk is set up.
     It has vintage cravings that reflect the age of the wood. It draws my attention the most. It is with covered in old writings i can't read and aged pictures appearing to be from another time. A few delicate trinkets align its back edge.
     I turn to look for Chrollo, spotting him sitting in the middle of the cave by a glowing pool of teal colored light.
     "What is this place? Ive never seen a cavern as beautiful." I whisper gently.
     "This is my secret place away from the world. My treasure vault so to say." He looks around with warm satisfaction, "I control everything here."
     "Will we be safe here? Uncle will be furious. I will have to face him at some point." I look around expecting to see him break in a wall.
     "Dear sweet Yukinaru, this is one of my special nen abilities. We are in a completely isolated temporal space, I can control even the flow of time here."
     He seems to proud of this ability and continues to explain, "What you see is merely my treasure room. We can exit to anywhere I have ever been too, or we can remain in here for years yet barely any time will have passed when we return."
      He pulls me closer to him, "You will be safe here, rest now and heal yourself properly. I'll keep the darkness away for now." He walks me over to a bed.
     "Hey isn't that the bed I made?" I tease him.
     "By far the most comfortable bed I ever laid upon. What better for my treasure room. I certainly wasn't going to leave it in the woods." He lays me down and climbs in next me.
     "I keep all my treasures here I cherish, each gem is its' own treasure. I just prefer them to appear as glittery jewels." He motions to the walls.
     "I hope you don't think you are gonna put me on the wall." I look at him questioningly.
     "You shine the most when amongst the moonlight. I could never lock you away, you would lose what makes you so appealing. Though it be amiss to say the thought hadn't crossed my mind." He kisses me with a great deal of echoing sadness.
    "Do not worry I won't fade away" I close my eyes and dream of dazzling stars.
     With an endless amount of time available to me and Chrollo. I decided how I wanted to spend it, I wanted to unlock my nen. He was able to awaken my nodes and I could already feel new strength rising in me.
     Testing it out, he had me seed my nen into the ground and it was even more breath taking then he said. I ran my fingers along its trails.
     "The others are much deeper. We will have to break the last ones some other way...." He goes deep into thought.
     "We have been training my Gyo and roots for what feels like days now. Can't we have alittle fun?" I coo going to lay on the bed.
     "Yukinaru you want to finish your training yes?" He purrs at me softly.
     "But that is no fun! And when are we gonna deal with my uncle?" I cry out jokingly.
     "Your uncle and brother are here for one reason Yukinaru. They want to see if you are with offspring." Chrollo looks at me firmly.
     "That can not be. I can not reproduce , no Zarin can. We are made, not birthed Chrollo." I am stunned and step back.
     "But you are with an offspring of my making. It was a gamble if it would even work. I was curious and did some experimentation while we laid together." He stands up and faces me.
    " I know much of the Zarins. They are cursed creatures who gave up their humanity for power on the Dark Continent. You are not a true Zarin but still you were born of the Dark Continent." Chrollo reaches for my hand and I step back further into the wall.
     "Well regardless, this is not the first time they sent you to the Known World. Only difference is one of my spiders finally found you before you disappeared back over there again." I listen carefully unable to speak, he has never spoken so much before.
     "I heard rumors of the Zarins. A mysterious clan shrouded with legends and lore. I spent years trying to learn more." Chrollo takes a breath.
     "I soon learned of a mysterious woman who appears around Yorknew city every few years and would just as suddenly disappear leaving a trail of death behind." He looks at me as I don't respond to anything he says, "Even more interesting was the Zoldycks ever involvement."
     "Nothing but random stories ever surfaced however. Then I got wind of a contract that the Zoldycks got recently. It was you, Yukinaru." I watch as the look of concentration claims his expressions.
     "It was I who was on the cliffs that night you came ashore. I wasn't going to let them take you away again." He kneels beside me. "You must understand I won't let them take you away from me, I spent years trying to meet you and I will have you." He rubs my head and pulls me close.
      "At least now I understand alittle bit more." I smile, "Thank you for telling me but you are insane. I don't understand-"
   "Use Gyo and look down now. You should he able to see the nen within." He ushers me.
     Sure enough there is a bright black glow coming from my belly. "Truly! A thing lives inside me now? Was this your true aim along?" I sit back stunned.
    "My aim was to free you from what binds you but the experiment was for curousity reasons and a way make the Zarins go away. Still the Zoldycks have done better with their offspring." He sits back satisfied.
     "However the Zarins were in fact using you for this one reason. They will want to take it back to the Dark Continent. I'm sure they would free you in exchange for this creature. You could always bare actual offspring later on if you wish. As well I could see if Illumi can return your stolen memories." He seems hopeful.
    "No I don't want lost memories. I will make new ones instead. And if it is as you say, I would rather break free from the Zarins now. Still I will have words later with you about using and manipulating me." I sigh. Deep down I had a feeling all along though, such is Chrollo's true nature.
    "Go and tell them your offer and be sure to send Hisoka to me. I want him here as well, even Illumi too." I motion for him to go, being alone with him now just doesn't feel right.
    A few hours after Chrollo leaves, I see my Jester and Illumi walking in with an enormous bag of supplies, a doorway disappearing behind them.
     "I take it my Uncle agreed then?" I question.
    "I'm not sure little flower, agree to what?" Hisoka responds as he walks up to me, I see his eyes zero in on my abdomen as he gets closer.
    Illumi makes his way around the cave, taking in all the details. "This is his treasure trove? In all our years, no one has ever seen his hide away."
Illumi speaks distantly with alot of respect. Instanly mulling through a pile of books in the corner.
     "So what is it that Chrollo is trying to do?" Hisoka sits next to me on the bed, his frustration barely contained.
    "Well free me from those chains and leashes you spoke of Jester." I point to my belly. "I have something that the Zarins really want."
     I shrug and eat some of the snacks they brought. "Once I'm free, I can do as I wish officially. Time is endless for me as you know." I pull my Jester down on the bed.
     Just then Chrollo shows up randomly. Hastily approaching me, he pauses to see me curled up against Hisoka but draws closer to my face.
    "Do you trust me?" He ask.
     "No Chrollo but we are partners still I guess." I whisper honestly.
     He pulls out his book then kisses me deeply, "Sleep Lady Yukinaru then wake released." I last thing I remember is seeing a flick of satisfaction in his eyes.

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