Back To The Dursley's...Again

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It was the day of the last quidditch match of the season and Y/N was ready to really show off his broom, Harry meanwhile was ready to prove himself of the Firbolt Sirius had sent him. The Golden Quartet were in the great hall enjoying a breakfast together, well, Harry and Ron were eating. 

Y/N and Hermione were talking quietly, which was unnerving for Harry and Ron, if the two smartest students in their year were talking in hushed voices, it meant they were planning something, and knowing Y/N, it was likely a prank or a surprise, at least that was what Harry and Ron were assuming it was.

In reality, the duo were talking about the upcoming holidays, Hermione's parents were going on a long term business trip so she was going to be staying with some family friends over the summer holidays.

"Honestly though, Y/N, I think it would be nice to stay with you and your family at Privet Drive." Hermione said as Y/N chuckled.

"It wouldn't, you really don't want to meet the Dursley's." Y/N said as Hermione smiled.

"Why?" Hermione said.

"Y/N we've got to go, Wood wants to warm up."  

"See you at the changing rooms!" Y/N called to Harry as they both split up two crowds forming, one crowd chased out to watch Harry take off and fly to the team changing rooms while another crowd chased Y/N as he rushed through the halls, using his wand to transform his uniform into his quidditch kit. They both met at the quidditch team tent just as the team arrived and Y/N got his broom out after handing everyone else their brooms. Y/N and Harry smirked at each other as Wood went through the plan for the final. They flew out onto the pitch and played.

Harry scored a header that put Gryffindor ahead before Y/N caught the golden snitch winning them the final game of the season, and finally after years of not winning, they had finally won the quidditch cup.

Y/N was told to keep the time turner, with Dumbledore stating that Y/N is smart and responsible enough to use it correctly. He left and used the time turner to go back to the first Hogsmeade trip, the one he supposedly missed out on. Fred and George showed him a secret passage from the school to Hogsmeade, that day he went on a walk with Hermione, visiting the tea shop and going on a walk while avoiding Ron and Harry, she asked him how he was here and back at the castle and he just tapped his finger on the side of his nose with a smirk before leaving, to go back to his timeline.

The next day after the leaving assembly the quartet were in a train cabin together, Lupin had resigned to avoid causing any more trouble for Dumbledore and was sitting in a cabin on his own.

The train journey was long but filled with laughs as Hermione tried to explain what had happened with Sirius and Buckbeak, Y/N dulled it out and watched the scenery outside the window roll by as he enjoyed the view.

"We survived another year at Hogwarts Y/N." Harry said as he nudged his brother.

"I see Dumbledore has allowed you to keep the time turner." Hermione said as she pointed at the time turner.

"Yes, at least now we know how I went on the Hogsmeade trip with you." Y/N said as the train arrived at Kings Cross station.

The quartet stepped off the train and saw Hermione's parents talking to the Weasley's.

"Are you all still coming over in the last week of summer?" Ron asked as Y/N, Harry and Hermione nodded. "See you all then."

Hermione's parents approached.

"Hello sweetheart." Ms Granger said as she welcomed her daughter home.

"Hello Mum, Hello Dad." Hermione said as she hugged her parents. "I thought you were both on that business trip?"

"We're leaving in a few hours so we've just come to tell you where you're staying, Miss Dietsch will be looking after you. Will you be okay with that?"

Hermione looked over to Y/N who was just as shocked as she was.

"Of course, I'd love to stay with her. She's not too far from Privet Drive." Hermione said as her parents nodded.

"Right my dear, we'd best be off, lot's of work, we'll see you next year, we love you." Ms Granger said before she and her husband had to hurry off.

Y/N looked at Hermione as Vernon pulled Harry away.

"Take care Mione."

"You too Y/N. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, they don't know that Sirius is innocent." Y/N said with a chuckle as he walked away to join Harry and the Dursleys.

The End of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The red lightsaber cut through the New Republic prison as Darth Mater walked through the guards, cutting them down, blocking blaster bolts and using the force to snap the necks of their enemies. The Sith Lord cut through the soldiers attempting to pitifully stop them.

 The Sith Lord cut through the soldiers attempting to pitifully stop them

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"Please, please, it was the Pirates that failed

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"Please, please, it was the Pirates that failed."

"You should have had a contingency plan to bring me the boy!" Darth Mater said.

"I'm sorry, I'll-"Brother Zahn said as the Sith Lord picked him up and pulled the priest towards them and stabbed the lightsaber through Brother Zahn's stomach before pushing him off and using the force to crush the priest like a beer can.

"Apology accepted." Darth Mater said before walking away, their cloak flowing behind them as they stepped over the dismembered and decapitated bodies of the prison guards on the way out of the prison, getting into their shuttle and flying off into the Galaxy to start planning their next step in the hunt for Y/N...

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