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Grian's Perspective-

Grian yawned as he woke up.

He saw that Mumbo wasn't there and that there was a note on his bed.

'Went to get some food in the hotel lobby'

Grian got up and threw on his red sweater before throwing on his shoes and went downstairs.

"Hey Mumbo!" Grian smiled as he saw his friend sitting by himself at a table in the hotel lobby, eating a waffle.

"Hey Grian! How'd you sleep?"

"Good." Grian said, grabbing some cereal and a plastic spoon before sliding down in the seat across from his friend.

"I booked us seats for a flight to California this afternoon." Mumbo said, showing Grian his phone.

Grian nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go pack my stuff up. Maybe we can go to a museum or something later."

"Okay." Grian said, watching as Mumbo walked back upstairs.


Grian grabbed his card and scanned it against the lock, his door unlocking.

He opened up the door and smirked as he saw Mumbo packing his stuff while watching Bluey on the TV.

"Seriously? You're still watching Bluey?"

"It's a good show!!"

"It's a kid show!"

Mumbo rolled his eyes.

"You know only real adults watch Bluey, right?" Mumbo asked, smiling jokingly.

"Sure they do."

Grian started packing up his stuff and they soon checked out of the hotel.

"So," Mumbo said as they walked outside, "Where do you wanna go?"

"Guess we should go to the airport."

"But there's nothing to do."

"It's the Atlanta airport, there's plenty of things to do."

"Like what?" Mumbo asked.

Grian hummed, "Well, we could..."

"We could watch the Bluey episodes I have downloaded."

"What is your thing with Bluey?!" Grian asked, laughing.

"It's a good show!" Mumbo said, also laughing.

Grian rolled his eyes before they got a taxi and drove towards the airport.


Grian hummed as he thought.

He and Mumbo were playing chess on his phone, and Grian was losing.

They were waiting for the plane to lift off as people were still boarding.

Mumbo's phone then rang and Mumbo jumped.

"Oh shoot, I gotta take this."

Grian nodded and watched as Mumbo answered his phone.

"Hey! What's up?" He asked.

The person on the other line spoke and Grian watched as Mumbo's face fell.

"Oh...and you had to...yeah, yeah it's fine. I'm just already..."

Mumbo cut himself off.

"So you're already there...I mean, I get it, it seems urgent."

"No, no, don't be sorry, it's okay, I can probably try and fly back home tomorrow." Mumbo said, forcing a smile.

Grian tilted his head.

"Yeah, I'm already on the flight, but don't worry! I understand how important that is. I mean, he's your son. And I'll definitely be back home by the end of winter break, I can make it to his funeral."

Grian's eyes widened.

"Love you, bye."

Mumbo hung up and sighed.

"What was that?" Grian asked.

"My aunt. Apparently her son, my cousin, died last night in a car crash. He lives in a different state form them since he's like...25? Anyway, they flew off almost immediately to go...well I don't really know why they're going. I think they wanted to pick up his stuff and see where it happened. They also have to recover his body. There's going to be a funeral at the start of the new year."

"That's going to be a cheery start." Grian said and Mumbo nodded.

"So who're you going to stay with?" Grian asked after a minute.

Mumbo shrugged, "I'll probably get a hotel room again and get a seat on the flights home."

" could stay with me and my family."

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