Everything I wanted💔

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TWs: self hate and bullying ig :I

George tried to ignore his twitch chat while he streamed, he had recently noticed how toxic they had begun, especially
after him and Dream had announced their relationship. He knew there were many good fans, maybe more than the toxic
ones, but it was after the announcement that the toxic ones really started showing up. To cut the story short, they
separately announced at different times, saying that they started dating a few months before George came the Florida,
it being long distance was bothersome and difficult, but they pulled through and are still in a relationship now.

George had unwillingly had to stay away from twitter and pretty much all of social media after that, but a week later,
the day he logged on again, the first tweet he saw was about his and Dreams relationship, and he remembered every word.
'Can we talk about Dream and George? Like, the two announced they were dating, then ghosted their entire fandom like it was
a reward!? How do we know they aren't just saying that to continue their dumb ship to expand their fame? Even if they are
really dating, who tf would actually date George if not for clout? Like, I can understand Dream, but George!? You've got to
he real fucking desperate to date him. He's loud as shit, bet he's lazy as fuck, probably uses Dream for his money, and he
also barely streams. It's his literal job to stream and he never does it, can't believe people still watch that fugly bitch'

He knew none of it was true, and even looked at the comments of the tweet, all of his fans protecting him and telling the
guy to fuck off. But his fans were technically proving the haters point right? He hides behind his fame and fans. It was partly
the reason George has been streaming so much, he wasn't lazy.

George was doing a chatting stream, only ever answering to the donations since no one would donate just to say
something mean, that would be like giving money to a person you hate just to get attention, which George knew was
moron behavior. He was happy with the questions that stayed away from his and Dreams relationship, liking that his
viewers respected his privacy, but he did occasionally answer the uncommon question about how Dream acted as a
lover, since it gave George a reason to tell them about cute stories. "Did Dream ever tell you when he fell for you?
By the way could you say hi to my friend Katelyn, Hi Katelyn!" George chuckled, "um, yeah he did. He said it was
the first Christmas we spent together- well, over call" he laughed again, "apparently I fell asleep on call and he
heard me muttering about stuff I like. Like minecraft and chocolate and stuff" he smiled, reminiscing the sweet time.

He was flipping a pen in his hand, clicking it occasionally as he waited for more good questions to come in, biting the
inside of his lip when he saw rude ones, why were people donating just to say rude shit? 'Dream deserves better tbh XD love you
George! I met you at twitch con!' 'Dream has weird tastes.. it each their own ig' 'wait, you're gay?'. George knew most of them
weren't trying to be rude, but it still hurt a bit.

After two hours, George's heart slightly started to hurt as his fans noticed that he wasn't responding to the hate, for some
reason, thinking that he didn't mind it, so they started saying more crap about him. George thought about telling them to stop
using his donations to be rude, but decided to tank through it, what were a couple of comments here and there gonna do to
his self esteem?

'Break up with Dream, he deserves me more <3', 'whys everyone being mean? Am I missing smth??', 'You think we could turn
Dream straight again if we tried hard enough?', 'personally, I wouldn't date George cause he's lazy, but ig Dream doesn't mind'.
Did Dream mind? Did he mind if George was a little bit lazy? Sure, George slept a lot, and never edited his own video, but
that didn't mean he was lazy. And could that happen? Could they theoretically turn Dream straight? Impossible, Dream loved
George, it's not like he'd loose feelings for him. George looked away, what if now that they were together in real life, Dream
saw the negative flaws of George? What if the negative flaws he's realized have overcome his love and he's just staying with
George to keep him happy?

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