I know you, you broke me💔🎀

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TW: kinda violence and sadness :'(

Dream knew he'd found the one. From the moment his heart started racing from only seeing the boy, he knew he'd want
to give it to him. The boy was beautiful, one of the most special person Dream had ever met. His smile was so contagious,
along with his happiness. The best part was, the boy was Dreams best friend. Dream got to hang out with him every day,
whenever he wanted to. Sure it was a bit saddening that George never showed Dream nearly as much affection as the
blond showed him, but it wasn't his fault, so Dream didn't mind. It all started with a call, a discord podcast, and a quiz.
Looking at the results of that quiz he took with George his fragile heart started to beat faster, Dream feeling like it wouldn't
be able to contain itself anymore.

Dream knew it was a difficult decision, but he wanted to give George his heart. The glass heart he swore he'd wait to
give to the right person, he stared at the gem as he thought about George. Sitting at his desk, he smiled slowly, his head
rested on his folded arms as he twisted the heart in his hand, eying the beauty like a ruby. It was a hard decision to make
as Dream only had one chance to give his heart to the right person, but he knew that George would be that person. He
was stunning, hilarious, and so easy to love. Dream couldn't help himself but hug George almost every day, to which the
other would shake their head with a smile. The blond wanted to show George how special he was to him, give him the
heart he tried so hard to protect for all his life.

Dream turned around to see Sapnap bursting into his room "hey D- why do you have your heart out? Be careful with
that thing, you might break it" Dream rolled his eyes at the boy, Sapnap was so protective over Dreams heart, the blond
once cracked it a little after dropping it and he flipped out.

"It's fine Sapnap, I'm not that clumsy" Dream stated, "And.. no reason, just wanted to look at it" Dream held the
glass heart to his chest and it sunk in, leaving his hand alone, the heart returning to his soul. "What did you need?"
He asked, turning around in his chair completely to look at the other.

"Just wanted to see if you were still up for watching a movie or two with me" The raven suggested. Dream rolled his
eyes, saying he would be down there in a second. Once Sapnap left, Dream let out a deep sigh, glad Sapnap didn't pressure
him about his heart. The blond placed a hand onto his chest, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of his heart inside his
soul, burning bright for his love for George. He knew his heart would never run cold while loving George, because Dream
had infinite love to give. If only he could tell him that, express how much he truly adored the other, maybe then he'd be
able to confess to him.

Dream stood from his chair, making his way out of his bedroom, might as well not keep his friend waiting. If Dream told
Sapnap about his plan to give his heart to George, the raven would probably instantly object the idea. Sapnap had expressed
all their lives that the last thing he wanted to see was Dreams heart shatter, and the blond reassured him that he wouldn't go
giving it around to just anyone. Dream knew he needed to do it before George and Sapnap went on their flights to North
Carolina. They were going to film in both a Karl video and a Mr Beast video, so he knew it would be important to do it
before they left. Which meant he only had three days.

He of course wasted his first day procrastinating, as he does, along with over thinking. The second day was filled with
little attempts, either going up to George and deciding against it before the brunet noticed, or being in the middle of his
sentence before nervousness took over him. However, during the last day he could tell the boy, he knew he needed to do
it now or never. While he helped Sapnap pack, George came into the room with Patches in his arms, watching the two.
After they were done, Dream stood, and nervously asked if he could speak with George alone. George set Patches down
on the ground and said right after he packs they could speak.

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