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TW ehhh kinda sleep deprivation

    Dream groaned quietly as he heard shuffled footsteps in the hallway. The blond slowly opened his eyes and patted the
bed around him for his phone. Once he found it, he brought it to his face, wincing when the screen turned on, quickly
lowering the brightness as he looked at the time, 2:18, "Goddamn it George.." Dream shut his eyes tight as he turned off
his phone. The blond picked himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes to see the door knob of his bedroom
door turning. Dream watched as a very slow moving George came into the room.

    "Dream.. don't have it.. no.." George shuffled around the room. Dream sighed heavily, and threw the blankets off
of his body, sliding off of his bed and walking over to George. George walked over to Dreams closet, and reached his
hand out to touch something, "Where did you, you can't-"

    "Yeah yeah, George c'mon, get back to bed" George turned around at the sound of Dreams voice.

    "But the people for the stream.." George reached his hand out, as if he was looking for Dream. Dream blinked slowly
as George's hand touched Dreams shoulder, and his other one came to touch Dreams other shoulder, holding them loosely.
"Sure there isn't in there?" George asked, Dream sighing again.

    "George come on" Dream held onto George's arm and brought him through the room.

    "But the idiot was in there" George argued, not making any move to stop Dream. Dream held him carefully and brought
him through the hallway, making his way to George's room. "Dream, my birthday.. what's month.."

    "Okay, you're gonna lie down and go to sleep alright?" Dream turned the knob of George's bedroom door and brought
him inside. George kept on muttering little incoherent messages to Dream, to which the blond ignored, knowing that
decoding them would take way too much brain power and he literally woke up three minutes ago. Dream brought
George to the bed and sat him down, "Are you gonna stay here?" Dream asked, "Because I'm tired and I wanna sleep
George" The blond asked, holding the brunets shoulders.

    "Dream the idiot wasn't going there!" George brought his hand out to touch Dream, poking his arm, "You have to
sure.. the.. thing" Dream lifted George up slightly and brought him to his pillows again, feeling sleep overwhelming him
as George laid down and seemed to relax into the bed. Dream leaned back and stood to his full height, looking down
at the sleeping boy. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, before turning around and walking out the
bedroom. He was getting sick of this, every single night George would somehow make his way to Dreams room in his
sleep like state and wake him up with his unconscious muttering.

    This had been going on for weeks and when it happened the first night, the next morning Dream asked George about
it who blushed red, and embarrassingly admitted that he was a terrible sleepwalker. His family told him to start locking
his doors so that he wouldn't bother Dream and Dream stupidly told him he didn't mind helping him. At least he didn't
mind until it happened every night, George making his way to Dreams room, waking Dream up, and not even attempting
to sleepily make his way to Sapnaps room. It made Dream annoyed, why did he have to wake up at devil hours for George?
Why couldn't Sapanp tag in a few nights? He never asked George about it because honestly he did feel a little bad.

    George only ever sleep walked when he was having nightmares and it made Dream feel a little bad taking him back to
his room and leaving him alone again, but what other choice did he have? Dream needed sleep, and the other muttered
in his sleep a lot. A lot. He first heard it when they shared a hotel room in LA, George was muttering and tossing over
in his bed all night, forcing Dream to bang his head into his headboard in hope it'd knock him out so he'd get just a
minute of sleep.

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