Sound the police💔🎀

702 16 60

Girl dinner 🤩🤤

TW's: Guns, suicidal thoughts, depression, blood, mentions of self harm, slightest bit if homophobia, and
swears............ sooooo.... Yeah 👀

"You sure you locked the door?" A voice from the other line asked, George furrowing his eyebrows at it, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm sure, it's fine, I doubt they'll come here, to this random house, what're the chances of that" he replied, looking to his left. He knew why his friend was being like this since George was in the general area of the situation. George reached over to his right and grabbed the black remote on the cushions, pressing the unmute button on the side to hear the news audio describing the scene. It was about some guy in a high speed chase from the police, George liked watching stuff like this since it kept his mind off of literally everything else.

"I just want to make sure you'll be alright, that's what everyone thinks in horror movies but they always get killed" Sapnap, George's oldest friend on the other side of the phone stated. George could just imagine the boy rolling his eyes. Sapnap had moved to Florida to finish school a year back, and George had never been in a more depressive state. Sapnap was the only friend George had and now that he was across the world, the brunet never felt more alone. He was comforted by things though, like music and tv. That's about it.

    "Good thing I'm not in a movie" George stated, watching as the black car drifted along the streets, the police officers sirens and lights blaring as they tried to catch up with the person. George noticed that the car was a bit faster than the police cars, and was able to drive well off road so it was pretty obvious they weren't catching this guy.

    "You never know George. By the way, did you finish those assignments you told me about yesterday?" George groaned and leaned his head back, setting the phone in his lap.

    "I'll do it tomorrow.." He mumbled.

    "You said that yesterday George" Sapnap said, a bit of noise coming from his side of the phone. "One day you've gotta start doing things when you say you're gonna do them. Example, remember last week when you told me you were gonna send me a copy of your notebook for a test? I'm still waiting for that" the raven stated, to which George looked back at the television, the police officers having lost sight of the car.

    "Sapnap listen I'll get around to it okay? I've just been busy with tests and exams and-" George stopped to groan again, "My mom still insists I need to get a girlfriend while I'm young.. I honestly wish I was dead, then I'd have no responsibilities or pressure on being perfect-"

    "George we've talked about this" Sapnap stated, his voice now stern, "As long as I live you are going to live, understand?" George didn't respond. Sapnap had known about George's more suicidal tendencies, even succeeding on making him stop self harming, that he knows of at least. George didn't want to make his friend upset so he tried to stay strong and keep going, but lately life has been so tough on him. His teachers all hate him, he stays up late at night begging to sleep, his mother and father put too much pressure on him, and he's scared they'll call him slurs if he comes out. His life had become shambles ever since Sapnap had left, and he was finding it harder to pull it together.

    "Yeah.." George sighed, watching as the news reporters spoke about the car and that they couldn't get the license plates number.

    "Maybe you should put yourself out there more, make some more friends, it'll help" Sapnap suggested, "I mean, I'm not going to be able to come back to England for a while so maybe you should sign up for a dating app or something, any time being social would be a big help for you" George slumped down in his seat, looking down.

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