In god, we.. trust.. 💔🎀

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Before you start reading, I think it would be important for you to note that I am in no way trying to make fun of, nor disregard your culture/religion. These are NOT my true opinions, so if you are offended by anything I write during this one shot, know that these statements do not come from an honest core, and are entirely empty. These are fake beliefs, I promise. I also know nothing of churches besides what my religious friends have told me, so forgive me if I get anything wrong and please inform me of anything I said that is inaccurate. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

TW's: hint of abuse, talks about death, cancer victim(past🕊️)

Dream sat in one of the long, wooden benches, his arms folded across his chest as he furrowed his eyebrows, watching the ceremony he grew to partake in since he was four. He used to like it, up until he turned twelve and realized he no longer believed in things such as religion. Dream looked to his right, seeing his mother singing along with the other people in the room, there had to at least be a hundred in here, so many seats, so many people surrounding him, all praising a great lord, or at least that's what they call him. Dream noticed his mother giving him side eyes as she sang, kicking his shin hard to tell him to sing too, to which he just rolled his eyes and muttered the words. It wasn't like he was bored of Christianity, he just didn't want to practice in anything that supported it.

He didn't even believe in god, that may be a touchy subject, especially in his home, but him no longer believing in god felt like a personal weight was lifted, because Dream was one hundred percent gay. That alone wasn't even the reason he didn't believe in god, the lord also took his father. He remembered, that night at home, having a heated argument with his mother about god. He couldn't remember many details, but there were some few sentences that stuck with him. "Why would god take someone so fair? So kind! Why does he take the good people early in life and not, say a murderer?" "Don't you dare disrespect your Heavenly Father!" "Well I've lost my biological one! If god loves his children so much, why would he create cancer!" It was the first time his mother hit him, slapped him right across the face, "you will never speak of our lord, nor his heavenly children in such a way again! Do you hear me!?" Dream could feel the shock from that day, and it was only a year ago.

Since that very day, he not only didn't believe in god, but he hated him. God was ruthless, hating everyone who didn't support exactly what he told them to, now, that's just what Dream has heard by other strict Christian followers, which he didn't entirely believe. Although, his mother had to be the most Christian woman in the whole town, she forced her two kids to read the entire bible, get baptized, and pray every night and morning. Dream looked away from the church's inside, glancing out a window, watching as birds flew outside. He so wished he could leave, be free from this building, believe in anything he wanted. However, with the second kick at Dream's shin, he muttered, "amen" with others in the room. The blond stared at the floor, and felt his mother lean closer.

"You could really make an effort Dream, god is a forgiving man, but I am not a forgiving woman." this was a common statement from the mouth of Dream's mother, it seemed like everything she said had to include god.

"I don't want to be here." Dream stated, looking down with furrowed eyebrows as he whispered his statement. The priest, a man at a podium stood in front of the crowds, speaking words from a book that Dream didn't have the mind to pay attention to.

"Sweetie, why don't you be more like your sister? I mean, it's disrespectful enough that we are speaking during one of the holy speech's, but the fact that you still refuse to pray anymore brings me half to tears-"

"Why should I pray to someone who'll never answer?" Dream whispered back, looking at the woman, who straightened her back.

"God has his way's of communicating with us, he answers to those who are worthy, and to those who worship him, as you should. Maybe if you come to church more often, he'd answer you." The woman looked forward again, to which Dream drilled glares into her face.

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