Ch. 6: The Vampire World

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It's been two weeks since I spoke to Adria and I have really missed her. I knew I was in the wrong but she was selfish. Like Adria, the real Adria is selfish.

Anyways, it's Margot's introduction to the family, like its time for her to turn into one of us. It's been long since I watched this, introduction and first kill and other traditions for the Vampire World was interesting, and I have to tutor her.


Mom was entertaining guests, human guests, at the sitting room, no sign of Dad yet. Asher was with Nick and Margot was nowhere to be seen.

I walked up to Asher and Nick..

"Where's Margot?" I asked taking a sip of Nick's drink. He growled at me and dug his hands scattering my hair.

"She's up in her room" Asher answered after laughing at both of us.

I really liked Asher. We were both very close till he decided to further his education. Dad was never really in support but Asher was mom's favorite so, he got in.

"Thanks" I said and dragged Nick's drink away to Margot's room.

She's sitting down in her dress and looking over the window, probably she's rethinking her decision, or does she even know what we are, what we do, how we feed... she probably doesn't know what's she's doing for love.

"Hey" her cheesy smile and soft voice brings me back.

"Hi Margot" I said and walked in. She sits and drags me to sit with her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked looking at me with her teeth out, maybe or maybe not, forcing a smile.

"Congratulations Margot"

"Thanks, hopefully I get to say the same to you one day darling" her human countenance got me in the soft spot, how do I bite her if I like her.

I can't do this.

"Yeah. I mean, if I marry"

She looked puzzled.

"What do you mean if?"

I stammered, searching my head looking for answers till I finally let our three simple words.

"I--am" then I breathed out and dropped the cup of Nick's drink on the table. Looking back at her I repeated, "I am gay"

She looked at me carefully and smiled. Then waited for about five seconds.

"Awnn. That's sweet. Do you like someone?"

"Not really. She's just a friend" my thoughts spiraling down to Adria.

"Okay" she smiled and rubbed my arms. Standing up, she walks to the mirror and removes her bangles. "so... Why did you come up here?"

"Umm Margot. There's something I need to tell you. I can understand if you're upset but please don't freak out"

Looking around and fixing her eyes on me...

"What is it?"

Then I walked up to her and bent her neck. I couldn't explain but only my teachers words rang through my head...

"Show, not tell"

I trusted my fangs and dug into her neck, sucking out all of the blood... actually, not all. Then I left her and watched her fall weakly to the floor.

"There Margot. Change" I said and sat in front of her.

She screamed, growled and hit herself. I was born a vampire, so I don't know the feeling of the pain that comes from transformation, but what I knew was that things change, strange behavior is one of them because if she doesn't have her first kill now...

"I - need - food" she said growling after every word.

...that will happen.

Then she scattered and limped against every threatening obstacle, finding her way to the door banging on everything. I followed her and watched quietly from the step how she ran out to the sitting room where Mom was.

What? Mom was! Mom was entertaining guests, and they were human.

I screwed up.

Margot ran up to one and sucked of him, entirely draining him. Mom grabbed the second one as he tried to run and handed him over to Margot as she watched her drink of him.

Margot became okay again. Still, was the word.

I'm in trouble.

"You don't ever do things right" mom looked at me from down stairs.

"I'm sorry mom" but my voice wasn't audible enough for mom.

"It's okay mom" Asher chirped in. "the ceremony has been completed, Margot is one of us now" then she looked away from me and turned to Margot.

"Congratulations darling. You're officially a Warren" she hugged her.

I was jealous, mom had never hugged me or loved me that way. When I had my first kill, mom didn't seem to care, she even told dad that he was making it a big deal when he got me that dress. That's why Nick and her don't really go well, she's good with Asher because he always agrees with her.

I was also angry that I wasn't rewarded for doing the right thing, my work turning Margot into one of us.

I walked out the railings and into my room, reminiscing on the old days, when I could go out and meet with Adria. At least the one best thing that might have ever happened to me.

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