Ch. 3: Killing the thirst for survival

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The feast was finally over, but it was time for hunt. I wasn't ready for this, I had to meet with Adria or she'll misunderstand the situation again like she always did. I walked away from the table and started making my way to leave when I heard dad ask..

"Won't you be joining us for the hunt?"

I shook my head in disagreement even though I knew how important this was for us vampires. I have never skipped on hunt before, some say it makes us weak and bloodthirsty, some say it doesn't. I can't let Adria down again for something as small as this.

"Okay" he said and continued the conversation with the others. I couldn't let mom see me leaving now, I need her to have the expression that I went for this hunt, and the only way to do that was to ask Asher for help.

I quickly spotted Asher with his to be wife and walked to them, this was the best time to introduce myself to my brothers wife, who will soon now become one of us.

"Asher" I called out faking my excitement. "How is everything?"

"Going smooth. Mom really overdid" he said and kissed his wife's lips softly.

"Uh.. I need a favor"

He already knew what it was. I knew he knew what it was when he gave me that wicked smile mom gave me when she suspected something was wrong.


I had a long sleep, when I woke up I realized its been two long hours since Phina left. I was damn hungry.

I walked out of the bed, holding my head in pain, I was having migraines and I don't have my pills with me. Why was Phina taking so long? I look out the window and see a few people walking out the house, my eyes scanning through to spot Phina. Then someone looks up at me, at me! In fear, I close the window curtains, Phina's words ringing in my ears: "don't look out the window".

Once again I have disobeyed her, but what bad could it do. Only one person saw me, besides, he or she wouldn't think anything, there was a big feast, it could be anyone.

The door's keys wander it's way through the keyhole and the knob twists open, letting Phina in the door.

She looked... Tired

She turned the lights on, the room shone purple.

"Why are you still awake?" she asked, taking off her shoes.

"I don't know. Why are you here?" I asked still angry with her.

"I wanted to be with you" she came closer slowly, both her hands on the sides of her red gown, pulling it up from sweeping the tiled floors.

I smile and let out a heavy sigh as she shoves my hair behind my ear.

"Do you... want.... to.. do this?" I asked, carefully choosing my words and calling them out. She grinned at me, revealing her white teeth. Then she grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

Our lips pressed against each other gently. My fingers digging through her smooth very black hair, I let out a passionate sigh as she nips at my neck, my bare neck. Her thumb nails scratching through my face as she sucks in my mouth, inserting her tongue in mine. I want her, I need her, despite that I know how big of a mistake this is.

Then she stops and looks straight at me, confirming if I really want this. My hand pulls her head closer to my face, as it strolls down to her waist pulling down closer.

She kisses me deeply and scoops me up against the scattered table, she raises my legs up to hers as her hands linger under my shorts. I groan into her mouth as she traces her hands up under my shirt, letting her cold hands rub my back.

We break away and she pulls my shirt out, only my breasts are out, we continue the kiss as my hands search her back for her zip. As soon as I found it, I zipped it down speedily and pull it out of her, her body is bare, no underwear or anything, just her pants.

Then she carries me by my waist and pushes me against the wall beside the table, trying not to break the kiss, she pulls my shorts out and cups my breasts in her hands. She breaks the kiss and holds my neck up, tracing her soft lips to my breasts and circles it around with her tongue.

"Ouch" I cried, when she plunges my shoulder bone with her fingers, but the pain soon turns to pleasure as soon as her lips touch it.

Then she looks at me again. Her eyes red, she asks...

"Adria. Do you want this?" she asks in a voice that's almost in a whisper.

I don't want this but I can't help long for what she has started. My body needs her, wants her, I'm not scared of her anymore. I'm beginning to actually realize that she loves me, or else she would have killed me a long time ago.

I nod my head in confirmation and resume the kisses. She roughly picks me up and throws me on the bed, completely removing my shorts from my legs and kisses my thighs up to my stomach and finally she gets to my face.

Our eyes lock, then she traces her fingers to my stomach and digs her nails in.

At this time I became scared, we have never done this before, she has never hurt me before. I back crawl of the bed, looking at the ceiling, she runs her tongue through my neck and yelps.

Her fangs digging into my neck and sucking on my blood. She sucks without listening to my moans, they turned from passionate to pain. I was getting weaker by the second.

Then I spot the only thing that can help at the moment, a vase on the side table, I pick it up and hit her hard with it, she wails and falls to the floor.

I back up in fear and pain. She almost sucked me dry, I was weak and she was groaning in pain on the floor.

"Phina" I called out from the bed but no response.

It wasn't me, it was an act of self defense. I think I've killed her. I have to escape.

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