the legend of king mohawk

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He'd walk the streets in a duct tape suit
Mohawk high and fancy boots
Elmer's glue to spike his hair
Living his life without a care

Hed mosh with the best of them
And smoke his camel cigs
Ladder lace his doc martens
And crash his own gigs

He was the king of mohawks
No one could compare
King of the mohawks
Walking with his hair in the air

He'd throw a hell of a party
For everyone to see
Beer kegs and live punk bands
All of them were legendary

He met the love of his life
And met so many friends
And though he would grow old
He'd go to shows till the very end cause

he was king of the mohawks
No one could compare
King of the mohawks
Walking with his hair in the air

On a day like any other
He went out with his friends
Drinking pabts and moshing hard
Just like he had been

Then with out any warning
king mohawk hit the floor
It sent everyone swarming
King mohawk would mosh no more

So now here he is
surrounded by his friends
All of them saddend cause
They won't see him again

But yet he smiles
Cause he still partys on
King mohawk I swear to you
Your name will carry on

CAUSE you are the king of mohawks
No one will ever compare
The king of all mohawks
Still walking around with his hair in the air

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