Until I Found You

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inspired by Until I Found You MV


I resigned to the fact that I would grow old single when I met her.

She is not the most beautiful woman I met, but it did not change the fact how breathtaking she was that very moment.

But with the gap our career paths had created, despite how pretty she is, she is at best only an acquaintance due to mutual friends. And of course, it is also her reputation of having multiple men fall in love with her and for her to use in her command.

With my good reputation as a new politician from an old money family, just being close with her even in a platonic way could only be detrimental to my image I was building.

And that's the way things are between us for years. Only acquaintances due to mutuals.

Until she became popular and one of the most sought out actress of her generation.

I can see from far away how happy she is when she became popular as an actress. Which gradually became loneliness because as she became more popular, her personal life slowly worsens.

It started with rumors, exaggerating her former reputation. Yes, men easily fall in love with her. Yes, she can easily ask them anything and they would do it in a heartbeat. But what they didn't know is that she is not actually that manipulative, she only took advantage of an opportunity to form connections and build her career. It is out of necessity for her to do it because the moment she signed that contract to that agency, she already gave up her life.

And the moment her popularity skyrocketed, I knew her soul is also already included on it.

Her only rock during that time was her husband, something that might had been leaked to the media but never had been recognized by the public.

And because her husband had been her rock, it was seen as a weakness by her agency. Hence, the divorce that came after.

That's when her life started to truly worsens.

Which brought them being closer than we should be.

"Mr. Soon-to-be-President~ How nice to meet you in here."

I sigh. "You're drunk, Amanda."

She fluttered her eyes on me, which would usually result with men chuckling on her antics. I, however, is already immune with her.

I shake my head. "I know you for years, Amanda. I am not like your men you could just fool."

I saw her became surprise before cheekily smirking at me. "Fool? Very interesting word choice, Mr. Koch."

"What should it be, then?" I don't know why I'm entertaining this conversation.

"Use, manipulate, or anything close with it. You know what everyone expected about me."

I scoff. "I knew you since your career as an actress started. You act, fool, perform and pretend, but I don't think you're this manipulative gold digger woman everyone painted you as. If anything, you're more like a tool or victim of this cruel world of elites."

She's now staring at me, as though she is seeing me for the first time.

Then she genuinely chuckles. With a small smile in her lips, she said:

"Is that so, Bryce?"


"Is it true?"

I glance at my older sister, wondering why she's irritated at me.

"About what?"

"About you being Amanda Miller's newest boy toy?"

So rumors are starting to spread among our circles, huh. I shrug. "We're just friends, Celine."

"We both know no man would ever befriend her."

"Guess I'm a first, then."


I glare at her, facing her as I finished checking my suit. "Just say what you actually wanted to say."

"Break up with her."

"We're friends."

"Then leave her! Distance yourself away from that gold digger! She's only using you!"

I rolled my eyes. "I am not that foolish to not know when people use me. You know that."

She stomps her feet and glares angrily at me. "Maybe you are right or maybe not. That doesn't change the fact that you should not associate with someone like her. Imagine what others would think about us. I am not about to let her destroy us."

I stare at the ceiling, controlling my irritation. Unbelievable.

"Good thing I never truly care about image and reputation. See you around, sister." Then I walk away.



"I love you."

I froze, tensing as I put down the box on the floor.

She simply smiles as she continues to chop vegetables. "I know I already like you the moment we talked at that party. Because you never see me as others did. But as we got closer, my feelings for you developed. Before I knew it, I already fell in love with you."

I sigh, slowly walking towards a stool in the counter and took a sit on it.

She then glances back at me. "I don't expect you to reciprocate it. I just want to confess, especially with all that you have done for me. You deserve the truth."

I roll my eyes. "Not gonna lie, you got me blindsided on that."

She laughs.

"But...it's not like I never thought about it, you know. Everyone thought we're together. We've got closer too. And you are an amazing person despite how contradicting you are at times. As much as I would love to try that possibility and see where it takes us, I think things would be harder if we're actually together. I am now a president, Mandy. Newly-elected one. And your career is still in its peak."

"Are you saying that maybe in another time, you would actually consider being in a romantic relationship with me?"

That's when I look into her eyes and smile genuinely, "Yes, Amanda."


"Actresses have a leave of absence?"

She laughs. "Not really. But with my status, I could get away with it."

I took a sit in front of her, looking out in the window as the sun slowly rises in the ocean.

I gathered my wits and then slowly look into her eyes. It's been a while since I last saw glimmers in her eyes.

That's when she grabs my hand and hold it.

"Things have been calm recently. I don't have that much projects anymore. Your term as a President had ended nicely last year. Maybe now, this time, we could actually start something without paparazzi?"

I chuckle. Of course. I squeezed our holding hands. "How could I say no to that?"


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