Musings #2

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Revenge & Justice

Revenge is a personal outlet of your own anguish. Even though you're just living your own life at best, if you can see it as a form of revenge, then it is. You want to make things fair for you, and whatever revenge you decided is the way you can achieve justice for yourself.

However, justice, as a general concept, is an idealistic goal everyone aims to achieve to keep the fairness in the world. A noble aspiration of humanity, but it is too idealistic.

Laws made for justice would never be absolute, as the lawmakers themselves are flawed. Laws are ongoing process of creating a system that would keep the balance in the world, but cannot be perfected as much as we strived it to be. It doesn't helps that corruption among politicians have been rampant over the years.

Revenge is something you can do and achieve for yourself. It is definitely up to you if you actually want to avenge yourself or someone else, totally your choice.

Justice, however, is an ideal. A very flexible concept, but something we cannot totally achieve. Justice is like world peace, something we could only achieve little by little but not something we can absolutely have in a imperfect world with its flawed humans living in it.

(This is strictly only my opinion, my beliefs. Feel free to post in the comments if you have arguments as I am very open discussing stuffs like this.)

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