3. the protagonist is sick and the villain becomes a virtuous wife

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"Chen Miao!" You grabbed his hand from behind, sweating heavily.

The said man flinched under your touch before sighing in relief when he saw that it was you. You realized how pale he looked.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

「There's a chance that it was this dangerous classmate that's following you earlier. Should you answer her?」

The hell, I just got here! You were too suprised by the unjust accusation to even look at the options.

As expected, the system in this world must have some kind of grudge against you, lest why would it always referred to you as "dangerous classmate," when you have clearly repented? Besides, you did not ask to be made this way. Who the hell would wish for themselves to be a psychotic villain anyway?

"Nothing," the protagonist pulled his hand away, clearly avoiding you as he speeded up and left you behind.

You stood dumbfoundedly, sweat trickling down your chin.

Knowing that you would only make things worse if you followed him, you decided not to, glancing around just in case the person who was stalking him is still here, but you see no one. In the end, you had no choice but to go back home.

The next day, Chen Miao did not come to school so you ended up ditching the class to visit him at home. According to your knowledge from the previous timelines, you knew that the protagonist has a mother whose husband had died long ago, and you had heard him mentioning to his friends before that his mother had gone on a trip somewhere so he would be alone at home. That only worries you more as you knocked on his door.

"Chen Miao! Are you there? Are you sick? It's me!" you deliberately called out loudly so that the protagonist would have no choice but to open the door even if he did not want to.

Just in case he still didn't open the door, you can make the neighbours open it from you under the pretense that your friend is sick inside and there's no one except him at home. You just feared that he would be lying unconscious on the floor somewhere.

After a few minutes, the door was finally opened by him. His face was flushed, but what caught your eyes was not that puffy eyes or oily face of him, but the bruised fingerprints mark around his neck, as if someone had choke him. Your heart dropped at the sight.

"Chen Miao...!"

Not wanting to pester him more than you already are, you quickly took his hand and felt his burning temperature under your skin. Immediately, you led him to his bedroom. As you helped him lie down, you really hoped that he won't question how you knew where his bedroom is when his fever is gone. He won't understand anyway even if you told him the truth; that in the previous timeline, you were crazy enough to put cameras in his bedroom to observe him.

"Mom," the boy on the bed called out weakly, coughing a few times.

Judging by the situation, you don't think he realized that he had invited you in and not his mother who's went on a trip somewhere. You glanced at his clothes which was soaked in sweat and his face which hasn't been washed yet.

"Chen Miao, I'm going to change your clothes alright?" You knew that he wasn't conscious enough to give an answer, but hey, at least you tried to ask for consent.

Suprisingly, the brackets popped up.

「The dangerous classmate is about to take advantage of you. What action should you take?」

•「Fight; push her away.」

•「Run; grab a kitchen knife.」

•「Relent; lie still」

This time, none of the option light up that you can only conclude that the player isn't online right now. You held back your anger at the prejudice this system had towards you. Still, you found that your decision to come here is a good thing. At least you know that this world didn't go on pause whenever the player isn't there to control the protagonist.

You give the boy a pat in the head before heading to the kitchen to grab a basin and filled it up with lukewarm water. Then you grabbed a towel in the drawer and a new shirt. After you were done, you went to your sleeping classmate and take off his clothes. Lacking that shyness that belongs to every human, you passively wiped his sweaty body clean. Anyway, you weren't that lustful to take advantage of even a sick person.

Eventually, when you were done servicing him, you decided to act like a virtuous wife for once and went to cook a porridge for him. You even went out to buy grocery and medicines with your own money. You swore if that system were to call you a "dangerous classmate," again, you will punch that brackets till it breaks.

"Chen Miao," you shook him gently. "Eat and take your medicines."

He dazedly opened his eyes.

"Here, let me help you." You quickly supported him so he can easily change his position on the bed.

You put the bowl of porridge on the duvet that covered his lower body, yet the protagonist made no attempt to take the spoon so you can only feed him.

"Why are you staring at me?" You tilted your head, realizing that even when he was swallowing the food, his eyes never left yours. "Is there something on my face?"

•「Insult; "you're too ugly."」

•「Praise; "you're beautiful."」

•「Silence; "..."」

Although none of the option light up, the protagonist still shook his head. You wondered if this was an auto-response or Chen Miao himself interacting with you.

"What happened?" You pointed to his neck.

You had rubbed the ointment that you bought at the pharmacy on his bruised neck but it's still visible. 

"Intruder, last night, went it," he answered hoarsely. "Scared."

Woah, I didn't expect that he would respond.

"Don't worry," you smile, caressing the back of his palms after putting the half-empty bowl of porridge away. "I will definitely protect you."

He looked at you emptily. "Why...?"

"So that ○ won't ○○ again."

He frowned in confusion.

You quickly changed your words to avoid his brain from malfunction even further. "Because I like you."

He seemed taken aback by your answer. His mouth went wide open like a cartoon character that was in shock.

"I thought you knew," you laughed. "Almost everyone at school know that (Y/n) is pursuing Chen Miao."

You saw how stun he looked and decided to tease him.

"So what do you think, Ah Miao? Will you accept my pursuit?" You drew a circle on the back of his palm with your index, smiling mischievously.

「The d̸̹͇͕̙̠̫̎̀́A̸̦̼̣̫͒̌͋͒̈͝͠͝n̷͖̬̒͑͊̾͐G̸̜͖̼̳̭̲̙͋̆̿̐̔ę̵̟̅͊R̶̬̰̒̂͗̏͜o̴̦̻̝̰͆̋̉̏̅̒̕͘U̶͓͔͖̭̯͙͚̮͙̜̔s̴̻͛̎ classmate is professing her love towards you, but was what she said the truth? Can she be trusted?」

•「Ignore; "..."」

•「Accept; "okay."」

•「reject; "no."」

What is that, a bug? You noticed something wrong with a certain word in the bracket. Oh, the option lights up, is the player back online now? You chuckled. Aw, I was rejected.

You expected that the protagonist would push you away while rejecting you, but contrary to your imagination, the boy rested his forehead against you shoulder, catching you off guard.

His hands gripped the fabric of your clothes at the sides of your waist, muttering weakly. 

"En, let's be together."

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