15. the protagonist changed his occupation to a villain

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"So you mean, all I need to do, is to take Kai away from Chen Miao, and not let him involve himself further with the protagonist?" You poked the round ball.

「Yes,」it rolled in the air under your poking.

"Anyway, what's up with him and Chen Miao's mother?" You recalled how trusting that transfer student was with that woman. "Is he a MILF lover perhaps? Aiming to become Chen Miao's stepfather? If so, that's disgusting."

「Don't worry about that. He's just a fool that has gone crazy after the lost of his mother,」It explained in frustration.「Remember the player who controlled Chen Miao in the last timeline? Yeah, that's him.」

"How can that be?" You narrowed your eyes. "How can a person from reality entered a game world?"

The round ball shook as if finding what you said funny.「Well, he had three options; one was to die quietly, two was to perserve even if the world is trying to kill him, and three was to give up everything and delete his existence. He chose the third options and naturally, he became a part of this world.」

You couldn't care less about the relationship of Kai and that woman after you heard that. "Then, is it possible for me to escape from this game world?" 

「If the technology is advanced enough then probably?」It circled around you.「I have never thought of that possibility before.」

You were frustrated. "What do you mean by technology is advanced enough?"

「Don't be hasty, girl. Don't you see how unfair this is? I've been answering your questions yet you haven't done a single task for me yet,」it sighed.「You ought to do something for me if you wanted something for me. That's basic.」

You glared at it for a moment before eventually relented. "Fine."

You were about to make a phone call with Chen Miao until you belatedly realized that you don't have his phone number. Being Chen Miao's stalker in the previous timelines, you never bother to find out what his phone number was. After all, phone number is insignificant when compared to the cameras you hid in every corner of his house.

ーtalking through the phone isn't as satisfying as watching him 24/7.

Ugh, your heart hurt realizing how much of a red flag you were before.

Unfortunately, in this timeline, you still haven't install any cameras yet in his house so you weren't able to know what is he doing with the transfer student.

You wondered why the system and those people in the chat room were so insisting that something bad will happen to Kai. Obviously, Chen Miao is so lovely he would never hurt a fly. If there's anyone who's going to harm the transfer student, then it would probably be Chen Miao's mother since it can't be the protagonist himself.

"Hey. You told me that Kai is the player who chose the third option," you glanced at the system. "Then tell me, is he the only player who chose the third option?"

「Not at all? There were a few others before him.」

"Then is he the only one who was, uh, captured by the protagonist?"


"Then how could I not know?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "I have always been watching Chen Miao before. There's no way I wouldn't notice if he brought a stranger home."

The system didn't answer, merely floating.

You sighed, knowing that it is useless so you decided to have your sleep first.

You decided that you will ask Chen Miao about Kai tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, the transfer student didn't come to school while the protagonist did. You wondered why Chen Miao would keep quiet when the teacher asked for the reason of Kai's absence. After all, didn't Kai slept over at his house last night? Chen Miao's silence made you understood why the system and the people in the chat room were anxious of Kai's safety, but understanding and sharing the same feeling as them is a different thing. Although you do want to help Kai, you don't actually care much about him.

You just wanted to do your task peacefully.

『oohh so we can now look through the perspective of an npc??? nice!』

『the film crew finally decided to make some changes. things have been getting kinda repetitive lately』

『do any of you know what happened to kai? I went to click on his perspective earlier and it was pitch black』

『probably some kind of error with the cameras i guess?』

『hi, i came into this room to ask if any of you knew what happened last night? i wasn't able to watch my husband yesterday because of work. haishh, regret, regret』

『iirc, kai was eating dinner and then he kinda passed out? or dead? idk.』

『i was there last night and to be honest, i think the film crew changed the villain of this season haha. chen miao's expression last night is scarier than last time when he drugged the actor. i knew the film crew promoted that the villain is this female npc, but now i think the villain is chen miao. i'm not complaining though, it's refreshing and a good twist』

『if things followed what happened in the previous season, then the film crew would send an anonymous person to retrieve the actor, then they would fight chen miao, the actor will be retrieved and they would kill themselves to go back』

『so the ending of this season is approaching, right? i heard that the film crew changed their scriptwriter, hopefully the next one won't be as repetitive as this.』

『ohh look, the npc is approaching chen miao!』

Your steps faltered upon seeing that message. The thought of you being monitored by countless gazes annoyed you so much, but it's not like you can just talk to them to stop when Chen Miao is in front of you. The protagonist can't see them and you don't need him to assume that you're crazy by speaking to the air.

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